MEDIA Salles at the Berlinale 2020
Saturday 22 February 2020:
MEDIA Salles at AG Kino, Cicae and
Film New Europe Reception has presented
the latest data on cinema-going in Europe in 2019
16th Miskolc International Film Festival - 13 - 21 September 2019, Hungary
Added Content = Added Value - The Talks
20th September 2019: Presentation of the most recent trends in the market of added content in Europe by Elisabetta Brunella, during the joint General Meeting of the Hungarian Art Cinema Association and the National Association of cinema operators.
76th Mostra Internazionale d'arte cinematografica di Venezia (28 August - 7 September 2019)
Added Content = Added Value - The Talks
30th August 2019: Cinema digitization in Europe and its impact - Added content: an opportunity for art-house cinemas? by Elisabetta Brunella during CICAE's training course "ART CINEMA = ACTION + MANAGEMENT", Venezia, Italy
MEDIA Salles at the Berlinale 2019
- 8 February 2019

Added content = added value
For the first time the German art-house association AG Kino - Gilde, in collaboration with MEDIA Salles, offered a slot for the presentation of added content and event cinema at the Hackesche Höfe Kino in Berlin Mitte. The new initiative called "Added content = added value" took place during the Berlinale Screenings that every year bring together about 500 cinema professionals from all over Germany.
- 9 February 2019
Meet the Quality Cinema community at the MEDIA Salles, AG Kino, Cicae Reception
Incontri del Cinema d'Essai - XVIII edizione, Mantova, 8 - 11 ottobre 2018
9 ottobre: Paolo Protti, Presidente di MEDIA Salles, presenta la prima indagine internazionale sui contenuti aggiuntivi
15th Miskolc International Film Festival - Jameson CineFest (14 - 23 September 2018, Hungary.
21st September 2018: Presentation of the most recent trends in the market of added content in Europe by Elisabetta Brunella, during the joint General Meeting of the Hungarian Art Cinema Association and the National Association of cinema operators.
75th Mostra Internazionale d'arte cinematografica di Venezia (28 August - 8 September 2018)
30th August 2018: Talk on digitization in Europe by Elisabetta Brunella during CICAE's training course "ART CINEMA = ACTION + MANAGEMENT", Venezia, Italy
MEDIA Salles at CineEurope 2018
Monday 11 June 2018: MEDIA Salles/MAS - Mallorca Arts on Screen Reception
from 6.30 pm
at terrace Suite # 2506 (Rising Alternative) - 25th floor - Princess Hotel, in front of CCIB
MEDIA Salles at the 71
st Cannes Film Festival
Paolo Protti, President of MEDIA Salles, will be in Cannes from May 12 to 14.
Click here to see the DGT online informer no. 146
MEDIA Salles at MAS Conference 2018
Friday 6 April 2018, 1:15 pm
Added content, added audience?
Added content is growing internationally and increasing cinema revenues.
Elisabetta Brunella, MEDIA Salles Secretary general, presented an update of the European market.
Auditorium San Fedele, Milano
MEDIA Salles presenta i risultati della ricerca Cinemamondo, nell’ambito del 28° Festival del Cinema Africano, d'Asia e America Latina
marzo 2018, ore 21.15
Comunicato stampa
Tavola Rotonda dedicata al cinema bulgaro organizzata dal Festival Sguardi Altrove presso l'Ufficio di Milano del Parlamento Europeo (13 marzo 2018):
Elisabetta Brunella ha presentato gli ultimi dati sul consumo di cinema in Bulgaria
MEDIA Salles at the Berlinale 2018
Saturday 17 February 2018: MEDIA Salles, AG Kino and Cicae's Reception
Giornate Professionali, Sorrento
27 - 30 novembre 2017
14th Miskolc International Film Festival - Jameson CineFest (8 - 17 September 2017).
Elisabetta Brunella partecipa al Festival e presenta l'ultima edizione del DiGiTalk.
74th Mostra Internazionale d'arte cinematografica di Venezia (30 August - 9 September 2017);
1st September 2017: Talk on digitization in Europe by Elisabetta Brunella during CICAE's training course "ART CINEMA = ACTION + MANAGEMENT", Venezia, Italy
CineEurope, Barcelona 18-22 June 2017 - the lastest edition of the DiGiTalk booklet was made available during the event
at the terrace Suite of the Princess Hotel, in front of CCIB
Il futuro urbano dei cinema - Sala Cinema ANICA, 6 aprile 2017
Disponibile per tutti i partecipanti l'edizione 2016 del DiGiTalk.
MICI 17 - VI Meeting Internazionale del Cinema Indipendente, Matera, 15 - 19 marzo 2017
18 marzo: Intervento di Paolo Protti, Presidente di MEDIA Salles, sulla circolazione dei film italiani all'estero
Disponibile per tutti i partecipanti l'edizione 2016 del DiGiTalk.
MEDIA Salles at Berlinale 2017
39° Edizione delle GIORNATE PROFESSIONALI DI CINEMA, Sorrento, 28 novembre - 1 dicembre 2016
Sono state rese disponibili ai partecipanti le edizioni 2015 e 2014 del DiGiTalk.
INCONTRI DEL CINEMA D'ESSAI, XVI EDIZIONE, Mantova 3 ottobre - 7 ottobre 2016
L'ultima edizione del DiGiTalk è stata distribuita ai partecipanti.
Creative Europe Desk Torino - 23 settembre 2016: "Allenati con MEDIA! Per un salto di qualità nella tua carriera professionale!"
Sono state distribuite ai partecipanti le edizioni 2015 e 2014 del DiGiTalk
13th Miskolc International Film Festival - Jameson CineFest ( 9 - 18 September 2016).
Elisabetta Brunella partecipa al Festival e presenta l'ultima edizione del DiGiTalk.
73rd Mostra Internazionale d'arte cinematografica di Venezia (31 August -10 September 2016);
31 August 2016: Talk on digitization in Europe by Elisabetta Brunella during CICAE’s training course “ART CINEMA = ACTION + MANAGEMENT”, Venezia, Italy
Rapporto 2015. Il mercato e l’industria del cinema in Italia. Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo - Direzione Generale Cinema MiBACT. 14 luglio 2016.
MEDIA Salles ha collaborato alla stesura del Rapporto Annuale della Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo, elaborando il "Focus sulla digitalizzazione delle sale in Italia e a livello internazionale", dal titolo "Più tecnologia significa più sale e più contenuti?".
Alla presentazione del Rapporto ha partecipato il presidente Paolo Protti.
L'ultima edizione dei DigiTalk è stata distribuita ai partecipanti.
MUDEC, Spazio delle Culture, Milano
MEDIA Salles presenta i risultati della ricerca Cinemamondo, nell’ambito di SconfinaMenti: Le Culture si incontrano al cinema, rassegna cinematografica itinerante a cura del COE
23 giugno 2016, ore 20.30
Comunicato stampa
MEDIA Salles at 69
th Cannes Film Festival -
Click here to see the European Cinema Journal 1/2016
- 14 May , 5 pm at the Creative Europe MEDIA Stand: "Meet MEDIA Salles in Cannes to celebrate 25 years at the service of the European cinema community"
Invitation - Photogallery
- 17 May, 3 pm at the Italian Pavilion: Creative Europe MEDIA Training Pills: Focus on Italy
Presentation of the 2016 edition of DigiTraining Plus
Programme of the event - Photogallery
22 aprile 2016 - Bologna, I mestieri del cinema: la gestione della sala cinematografica
Paolo Protti e Elisabetta Brunella parteciperanno in qualità di docenti al corso organizzato dalla Cineteca di Bologna
Paolo Protti (Delegato ANEC): Il ruolo dell’associazione ANEC
Elisabetta Brunella (Segretario Generale MEDIA Salles): MEDIA Salles e la digitalizzazione del cinema in Europa
PAOLO PROTTI, Presidente di MEDIA Salles, interviene al V Meeting Internazionale del Cinema Indipendente, Matera 9 - 13 marzo
L'ultima edizione del DiGiTalk è stata distribuita ai partecipanti.
MEDIA Salles at the Berlinale 2016
Event Cinema Association ECA Conference 2015 - Picturehouse Central, Piccadilly, London
19 October 2015, Elisabetta Brunella from MEDIA Salles took part in the Conference;
the last edition of the DiGiTalk booklet was made available during the event
Mantova, 5-8 ottobre 2015
Jameson CineFest Miskolc International Film Festival, Miskolc, Hungary (11-20 September 2015)
72nd Mostra Internazionale d’arte cinematografica di Venezia (2-12 September 2015);
3 September 2015: Talk on digitization in Europe by Elisabetta Brunella during CICAE’s training course “ART CINEMA = ACTION + MANAGEMENT”, Venezia, Italy
21st Sarajevo Film Festival 2015 (14-22 August 2015)
Participation of a MEDIA Salles representative at the European Film Forum 2015
15 luglio 2015 ore 11.30: Roma, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia - Cineteca Nazionale (Teatro Blasetti, via Tuscolana 1524)

Presentazione del volume "Rapporto 2014. Il mercato e l'industria del cinema in Italia", della Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo e della Direzione Generale Cinema del MiBACT
Il Rapporto contiene un capitolo specifico, a cura di MEDIA Salles, sulla digitalizzazione delle sale in Italia e in Europa.
Intervento di Paolo Protti, Presidente di MEDIA Salles
Presentation of "Rapporto 2014. Il mercato e l'industria del cinema in Italia", by Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo and Direzione Generale Cinema - MiBACT
The publication includes a chapter by MEDIA Salles on digitization of cinemas in Italy and in Europe.
Talk by Paolo Protti, President of MEDIA Salles
MEDIA Salles at Ciné,
Giornate Professionali di Cinema,
30 June - 3 July 2015, Riccione
At the terrace Suite of the Princess Hotel, in front of CCIB,
Monday, 22 June, from 5.30pm to 7.00pm.
PAOLO PROTTI, Presidente di MEDIA Salles, interverrà, nel quadro di
Univision Days, alla tavola rotonda
"Dalla pellicola al 4K, come cambiano il cinema e l’home entertainment"
martedì 16 giugno, ore 15.30, Scuderie di Palazzo Ruspoli - Via della Fontanella di Borghese 56/B - Roma
DIGITAL CINEMA MEETING 10, Multikino CineStar, Prague
17 February 2015, MEDIA Salles presented the DigiTraining Plus 2015
course and distributed the DiGiTalk 2014
Kino Lumiére, Bratislava
16 February 2015, MEDIA Salles presented the DigiTraining Plus 2015 course and distributed the DiGiTalk 2014
Giornata di studio sulle Opportunità europee per le imprese di spettacolo, Agis, Roma (10 dicembre 2014)
Jameson CineFest Miskolc International Film Festival, Miskolc (19-21 September 2014)
28 August 2014
CICAE's training course "ART CINEMA = ACTION + MANAGEMENT", Venezia (Italy)
Talk on digitization in Europe by Elisabetta Brunella
"DigiTraining Plus: New Technologies for the European Cinemas of the Future" - 2014 edition
Munich and Lake Constance (Germany), 9-13 July 2014
Click here for more information
09 luglio 2014: Roma, MiBACT, Salone del Consiglio Nazionale, Via del Collegio Romano, 27, 00186 Roma

Presentazione del volume "Rapporto 2013. Il mercato e l'industria del cinema in Italia", della Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo.
Il Rapporto contiene un capitolo specifico, a cura di MEDIA Salles, sulla digitalizzazione delle sale in Italia e in Europa.
Intervento di Elisabetta Brunella, Segretario Generale di
MEDIA Salles
Necs Conference - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (19 - 21 giugno 2014):
MEDIA Salles è stata presente alla conferenza con un proprio desk, dove
era disponibile l'ultima edizione del DiGiTalk e altro materiale
Necs Conference - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan (19 - 21 June 2014):
MEDIA Salles was present at the conference with its own desk, where it
was possible to obtain both DiGiTalk and other material or information.
Cine Europe - Barcelona (17 - 19 June 2014)
The latest edition of DiGiTalk was distributed at the Barco stand at Cine Europe, Barcelona, from 17 till 19 June.
67th Cannes Film Festival - International Village, Italian Pavilion (131)
NewCineForum 2014 - Cracow (24-25 April 2014)
Creative EU! Lo scenario di Europa Creativa per il periodo 2014-2020, Torino (6 December 2013).
Organizzato da Antenna MEDIA Torino con Fondazione CRT e Fondazione Cariplo.
Torino Film Lab Meeting Event, Torino (27 November 2013)
Festival internazionale del film di Roma, 8-17 November 2013
Cinema "Splendid Palace" 90th Anniversary, Riga (25 October 2013)
Jameson CineFest Miskolc International Film Festival, Miskolc 20-22 September 2013
CICAE's training course "ART CINEMA = ACTION + MANAGEMENT", Venezia (Italy)
Click here to see Elisabetta Brunella’s presentation (video).
DigiTraining Plus: New Technologies for the European Cinemas of the Future" - 2013 edition: Poland, 28 August - 1 September 2013
Click here for more information
Cine Europe - Barcelona (26-27 June 2013)
Thanks to an agreement with Barco, the latest edition of
DiGiTalk was distributed at the Barco stand (suite E) at Cine Europe, in Barcelona, on 26 and 27 June.
18 giugno 2013: Roma, LUISS Guido Carli, Aula 211
Presentazione del volume: "Rapporto 2012. Il mercato e l'industria del cinema in Italia", della Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo.
Il Rapporto contiene un capitolo specifico, a cura di MEDIA Salles, sulla digitalizzazione delle sale in Italia e in Europa.
Comunicato stampa
Presentation of: “Rapporto 2012. Il mercato e l’industria del cinema in Italia”, by Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo.
The publication includes a chapter by MEDIA Salles on digitization of cinemas in Italy and in Europe.
Press release
66th Cannes Film Festival -
Click here to see the European Cinema Journal 1/2013
- 18 May: Bits & Bites of MEDIA Training, organized by the MEDIA Desk Italia and Antenna MEDIA Torino in collaboration with Istituto Luce Cinecittŕ. Click here for more information.
- 19 May: Presentation of DigiTraining Plus 2013 jointly organized by the Polish Film Institute, the Fundacja Rozwoju Kina and MEDIA Salles
MEDIA Salles presented the tenth edition of DigiTraining Plus: New Technologies for the European Cinemas of the Future, to be held in Cracow and Warsaw from 28 August to 1 September 2013.
The latest edition of DiGiTalk was distributed to participants, together with the new issue of the European Cinema Journal.
5 settembre 2012, ore 15.00 - 17.45
For more information,
click here / Per maggiori informazioni,
cliccare qui
"DigiTraining Plus: European Cinemas Experiencing New Technologies"
- 2012 edition: Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 29 August - 2 September
Click here for more information
20 giugno 2012: Roma, LUISS Guido Carli, Aula 203 - h. 11.00
Presentazione del volume: "Rapporto 2011. Il mercato e l’industria del cinema in Italia", della Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo.
Il Rapporto contiene un capitolo specifico, a cura di MEDIA Salles, sul cinema digitale in Italia, a confronto con il panorama europeo e internazionale.
ICTA Seminar - Barcelona (16-17 June 2012)
65th Cannes Film Festival -
Click here to see the European Cinema Journal 1/2012
20 May: BITS & BYTES OF MEDIA TRAINING, organized by the MEDIA Desk Italia and Antenna MEDIA Torino in collaboration with Istituto Luce Cinecittà
MEDIA Salles presented the ninth edition of DigiTraining Plus: European Cinemas Experiencing New Technologies, to be held in Amsterdam from 29 August to 2 September 2012.
The new edition of DiGiTalk was distributed to participants, together with the new issue of the European Cinema Journal.
"Il pluralismo del cinema europeo", Festival del Cinema Europeo - Lecce (21 aprile 2012);
MEDIA Salles at Berlinale 2012
Saturday 11 February: MEDIA Salles, AG Kino and Cicae's
Reception - Café Oxymoron
here to see MEDIA Salles' presentation
Sunday 12 February: MEDIA Salles at the
MEDIA stand - Martin-Gropius-Bau
Monday 13 February: MEDIA Salles at the MEDIA
Info Day - Ritz Carlton Hotel
Festival Internazionale del Film di Roma - "D-Cinema: Viaggio
nel Digitale" Round Table organized by Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo,
on 1
st November 2011
Per vedere il programma,
Per vedere la presentazione di Elisabetta Brunella
Festival Internazionale del Film di Roma - presentation organised by
the MEDIA Desk Italy, on 29 October 2011
Click here to see the programme
More information here
Click here to see
the MEDIA Salles’ presentation
La Giornata Europea è stata anche l’occasione per celebrare
i vent’anni di MEDIA Salles con il Dott. Fabio De Luca che, come
dell’ANEC, nel 1991, ha svolto un ruolo di cruciale per la nascita
Nella foto, da sinistra: André Lange, Martin Kanzler, Elisabetta
Carlo Bernaschi, Paolo Protti, Fabio De Luca, Luigi Grispello,
Giuseppe Massaro, Nicola Borrelli.
Festival Internazionale di Cinema e Televisione - "
politiche europee per l’Audiovisivo, tra industria culturale, tecnologia
e cooperazione - confronto tra gli operatori italiani".
Tavola rotonda organizzata da Eurovisioni.
Per vedere l’intervento di Elisabetta Brunella,
Venezia (Italy), Sunday 4 September 2011
Presentation of the 2012 edition of the training course for European exhibitors
"DigiTraining Plus: European Cinemas Experiencing New Technologies",
29 August - 2 September 2012.
The eighth edition of the "DigiTraining Plus: European Cinemas
Experiencing New Technologies" course took place in Helsinki and
Tallinn from 29 June to 3 July 2011.
Click here for more
Eurocinema Expo 2011 - Krakow - 16-17 February
During the Conference on Digital Cinema, Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary
General of MEDIA Salles, has presented statistics on digitization in Europe
during 2010 and announced the first available data for 2011.
Venezia (Italy), Saturday 4 September 2010
Presentation of "DiGiTalk" and of the 2011 edition of the
training course for European exhibitors "DigiTraining Plus: European
Cinemas Experiencing New Technologies", 29 June - 3 July 2011.
Presentation of DiGiTalk:
an easy-to-consult volume containing figures, ideas and success stories
collected during the latest MEDIA Salles’ course plus tables and
graphs on the state and development of digital projection.
"The Independent Exhibition Sector and the Challenges of Digitisation",
Barcelona, 5 - 6 March 2010
SAT Expo Europe - Il progetto "
Sale in Rete": cinema digitale e distribuzione via satellite,
il futuro dell’offerta cinematografica - Rome, 4 February 2010
Click here to
see Elisabetta Brunella’s presentation
Séminaire sur le cinéma numérique, 29 octobre 2009,
Antenne interrégionale Auvergne - Centre - Limousin, Bruxelles
Incontri del Cinema d’essai - IX edizione, Mantova, 6 -
8 October 2009
Workshop "Melò around the World", Ravello (Salerno),
Italy, 25 - 27 September 2009
San Servolo, Venezia (Italy), Saturday 5 September 2009
Presentation of the 2010 edition of the training course for European exhibitors
"DigiTraining Plus: European Cinemas Experiencing New Technologies",
Helsinki (Finland), 17 - 21 February 2010.
MEDIA Desk Poland "Open Door" meeting, Warsaw, 22 April
2009. Presentation of the "DigiTraining Plus" courses
3D Day at the Future Film Festival - Bologna - Saturday 31 January
European Film Awards, Copenhagen (Denmark), 6 December 2008. To see
the text by Elisabetta Brunella published in the Souvenir Programme,
click here
Festival Internazionale del Film di Roma, Presentation of the training
initiatives supported by the MEDIA Programme, organised by the Media Desk
Italy, on 25 October 2008
65. Venice International Film Festival, Presentation of MEDIA Salles
training course "DigiTraining Plus: European Cinemas Experiencing
New Technologies"
on 29 August 2008 during the CICAE "Action + Management" training
on 31 August, during the
Microcinema Conference,
starting at 11:30 am at Hotel Excelsior, Sala Tropicana 1
2008 Locarno Film Festival
9 August, Spazio Cinema: Future of Cinema - Panel on Digital Distribution
in association with XDC and Cineuropa.org, moderated by Bruno Chatelin
- filmfestivals.com
Speakers: Elisabetta Brunella - MEDIA Salles, Fabrice Testa - XDC, Brian
Jones - Pathé Suisse, Jean Labadie - Le Pacte.
The CD Rom of the MEDIA Salles European Cinema Yearbook - 2007 final
edition - including the situation of the digital projectors installed
worldwide as at December 2007 was made available at the Cinemeccanica
stand (no. 223) at Cinema Expo (Amsterdam, 23 - 26 June 2008)
"The Lifespan of Digital Film - From D-Cinema premiere to
VoD-archive" , Kristiansand (Norway), 10 and 11 June 2008
2008 Cannes Film Festival (14-25 May 2008)
MEDIA Salles rendez-vous at Cannes: the traditional gathering for the
international cinema community will take place in the afternoon of Tuesday
20 May, on the occasion of the "Schermi di Qualità" cocktail,
organised by AGIS from 2.30pm to 4pm at Espace Italia, Palais Stéphanie
(ex Hotel Noga Hilton), 50 - Boulevard de la Croisette. The president
of MEDIA Salles, Jens Rykaer, and the Secretary General, Elisabetta Brunella,
will present the latest figures on cinema-going in Europe in 2007.

Invito |

Invitation |

Invitation |
"Eurovisioni": Presentation of the "European Cinema Yearbook
- 2007 advance edition" on 18 October 2007, at 11 am
Italian Parliament - Palazzo Marini - Via del Pozzetto 158,
Introduced by Pier Virgilio Dastoli, Director of the Representation in
Italy of the European Commission, commented by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary
General of MEDIA Salles
64. Venice International Film Festival, Presentation of MEDIA Salles
training course "DigiTraining Plus: European Cinemas Experiencing
New Technologies"
on 8 September 2007 during the CICAE "Action + Management" training
on 6 September 2007 during the 5th SMPTE Forum
Cinema Expo International 2007, Amsterdam, 25-28 June 2007
"European Cinema Yearbook - 2006 final edition" available at
the Cinemeccanica stand, no. 223
"Eurovisioni": Presentation of the "European Cinema Yearbook
- 2006 advance edition" on 20 October 2006 in Rome
Introduced by Pier Virgilio Dastoli, Director of the Representation in
Italy of the European Commission.
Press release
- Comunicato stampa
MEDIA Salles at the "Giornate Professionali 2005", Roma,
Italy, 21-24 June 2005
Ecfa Conference at Ale Kino! International Young Audience Film Festival,
Poznan, Poland, 10-12 June 2005
Professional Meeting of Anec-Anem-Unidim, 14 December 2004, Rome (Italy)
- Presentation of MEDIA Salles "European Cinema Yearbook - 2004 advance
english version versione
MIFED 2004, at the MEDIA Stand, Milan (Italy), 12 - 16 October 2004
FEECE Conference, Terrassa (Barcellona - Spain), 24-27 February 2004
Centocittŕ Conference, Cinecittŕ, Rome (Italy), 23-24 February 2004
National Conference of ANEC, Genoa (Italy), 18-19 February 2004
54. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, European Film Market - MEDIA
Stand, No. 196, first floor, 5-15 February 2004
Meeting of experts on the reform of the instruments to encourage the
audiovisual industry, Taormina (Italy), 15-16 November 2003
XVII International Festival of Cinema and Television Eurovisioni, Rome
(Italy), 20 October 2003
International Filmfestival of Flanders - Informational session, Ghent
(Belgium), 10 October 2003
Festival of Italian Cinema at Annecy (France), 30 September-7 October
2003 - Talk by Elisabetta Brunella, 4 October 2003
EXPO 2003, 15-18 September 2003, World Trade Center, Moscow, Russia
Cannes Market 2003, Village International - Pavilion of the European
Union, May 14-25 2003
53. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, European Film
Market - MEDIA Stand, No. 196, first floor, 5-16 February 2003
(Presentation of MEDIA Salles "European Cinema Yearbook" - 2002
final edition)
MIFED at the MEDIA Stand, Milano, 3 - 7 November 2002
52. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlinale -
European Film Market - MEDIA stand, 6- 17 February 2002
at Castellinaria "Festival internazionale del cinema giovane", Bellinzona
(CH), 17 - 24 Novembre 2001
MEDIA Salles' FOCUS ON EUROPE at ShowEast, Orlando
- Florida, 31 October - 3 November 2001
58. Venice International Film Festival, 29-8 Sept.
Giornate Professionali, Sorrento - Italy, 5 -
9 July 2001
MEDIA Salles' FOCUS ON EUROPE at Cinema Expo International,
Amsterdam, 25-28 June 2001
Cannes Market 2001, Village International - MEDIA
Programme Pavilion, May 9 - 20 2001
Presentation of the Cinecittà Quarterly
Magazine containing the Research Study of MEDIA Salles "European Films
in the United States: Theatrical Distribution", Rome, 19 December 2000.
Forum du Cinéma Européen de Strasbourg,
Strasbourg, 9-15 November 2000. Presentation of the European Cinema Yearbook
- 2000 advance edition.
MIFED at the MEDIA Stand, Milano, 29 October
- 2 November 2000. "Capital Courageous. Cinema & Finance: Investing
in the Seventh Art", the Round Table organised by MIFED and MEDIA Salles
in collaboration with Box Office, The Hollywood Reporter and Radio 24.
Promoted by Eptaconsors, Eptafund, Eptatrading and I.G. Cinema.
Round Table on the circulation of European Films
in The United States, Head Quarters of the European Commission Delegation,
Washington DC, 16 October 2000.
MEDIA Salles' FOCUS ON EUROPE at ShowEast, Orlando
- Florida, 11-14 October 2000. Presentation of the European Cinema Yearbook
- 2000 advance edition during the Seminar "An overview of Cinemagoing
in Latin America and Caribbean Marketplace".
Eurovisioni, Paris, 8-11 October 2000. Presentation
of the European Cinema Yearbook - 2000 advance edition.
57. Venice International Film Festival, at the
MEDIA Stand, Lido di Venezia, 30 August - 9 September 2000. Presentation
of MEDIA Salles Newsletter No. 3/2000 - Hotel Excelsior - Club Piper.
Expo International, Amsterdam, 26-29 June 2000. Focus on Europe was
opened by the seminar "Marketing Film on a Worldwide Basis" and "An Update
on European Exhibition" promoted by MEDIA Salles with Dodona Research
and the Sunshine Group Worldwide.
Giornate professionali di Cinema, Sorrento Palace
Hotel - Sorrento, 6 June - 9 June 2000
Cannes Market 2000, Village International - MEDIA
Programme Pavilion,10-20 May.
May 18: launch of the Cinema Research Library, the new section of MEDIA
Salles Web site.
May 16, previews of the first part of MEDIA Salles
research on the US market presented by Sydney Levine (Film Finders) at
the panel "What Buyers are Looking For: Art vs. Commerce" at the Variety
50. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, European
Film Market - MEDIA Programme stand, No. P-Q 18-20, 9-20 February 2000.
Presentation of
the European Cinema Yearbook - 1999 edition and Source Document. Grand Hyatt
Berlin Hotel, "Grand Ballroom B/II" - Monday, 14th February 2000, 10.00
to 10.45 am: MEDIA Salles' Newsletter European Cinema Journal, Issue No.
1, Year 2000, released on the occasion of the Berlin Film Festival.
MIFED at the MEDIA Stand, Milano, 17 - 22 October
Euro Kids Network 1999 Annual Meeting, Kid Screen,
Villa Olmo - Como, 17 - 18 October 1999
MEDIA Salles' FOCUS ON EUROPE at ShowEast, Atlantic
City 18 - 21 October 1999
The 4th Shanghai International Film Festival
- Film & TV Market at ICE Stand, Shanghai 22 - 24 October 1999
Eurovisioni, Villa Medici - Roma. Presentation
of the European Cinema Yearbook - 1999 advance edition, end of September
56. Venice International Film Festival,
at the MEDIA Stand, Cinema Garden - Palazzo del Casinò -
Lido di Venezia, 1 - 11 September 1999. Presentation of EUROPEAN CINEMA
JOURNAL, third issue of the MEDIA Salles Newsletter, Club-Piper Ciak -
Hotel Excelsior's Terrace, 4 September 1999
Giornate professionali di Cinema, Palazzo dei
Congressi - Firenze, 30 June - 3 July 1999
MEDIA Salles' FOCUS ON EUROPE at Cinema Expo
International, Amsterdam, 21-24 June 1999
FuturShow 2999, Bologna-Italy, 8-12 April 1999
Rencontres Européennes des Jeunes et de
l'Image, Marseille, 12-15 February 1999.