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An initiative of the EU MEDIA
Programme with the support of the Italian Government
![]() Since 1992 MEDIA Salles has been promoting the European cinema and its circulation at theatrical level |
We are glad to inform you that, this year again, MEDIA Salles will organize the Focus on Europe event at Cinema Expo International (Amsterdam, 21-24 June 2004), including: The traditional Opening Seminar focused on “Opening Cinemas
In New Markets” on 21 June at 10.30 a.m. Don’t miss this appointment! We are also glad to inform you about the next MEDIA Salles’
initiative for European exhibitors: the training course “European
Cinema Exhibition: A New Approach”, that will be held in Budapest
(Hungary), from 22 to 26 September 2004, in collaboration with the
European Film College, DB (the Danish exhibitors’ association),
Mozisok Országos Szóvetsege (the Hungarian exhibitors’
association), Magyar Filmunió and with the support of the Hungarian
Ministry of Cultural Heritage. Deadline for applications: 2 August
2004. For further information:
Il tradizionale seminario di apertura dedicato al tema “L’apertura
di sale cinematografiche nei nuovi mercati”, lunedì 21
giugno alle ore 10.30, Non perdete questo appuntamento! Cogliamo l’occasione per ricordarvi anche il prossimo appuntamento
di MEDIA Salles per gli esercenti: il corso di formazione “European
Cinema Exhibition: A New Approach”, che si svolgerà a
Budapest (Ungheria), dal 22 al 26 settembre 2004. Il corso è
organizzato in collaborazione con European Film College, DB (l’associazione
degli esercenti cinematografici danesi), Mozisok Országos Szóvetsege
(l’associazione degli esercenti cinematografici ungheresi),
Magyar Filmunió e con il supporto del Ministero dei Beni Culturali
Ungherese. Per ulteriori informazioni: