Cinema Research Library


"Are Domestic Films the New Blockbusters?"
by Elisabetta Brunella, published in Cinema & Video International, no. 201 Berlinale Special issue of January-February 2025

Online issue of May 2023
"2022 IN SALA/ E’ andata meglio per il cinema event" (di Elisabetta Brunella)

"7 out of 10 movie-goers have returned to the movie theater"
by Elisabetta Brunella, published in Cinema & Video International, no. 191 Berlinale Special issue of January-February 2023

"All you need is a film, and the domestic share soars"
by Elisabetta Brunella, published in Cinema & Video International, issue no. 190, November-December 2022

"A two-speed Europe"
by Elisabetta Brunella, published in Cinema & Video International, no. 186 Berlinale Special issue of January-February 2022

“Trattamenti esclusivi con suite presidenziale”         part 1         part 2
by Elisabetta Brunella, published in the "Giornale dello Spettacolo"
no. 15 of 1st September 2009

“A Berlino ha aperto uno dei più lussuosi cinema d’Europa”
by Elisabetta Brunella, published in the "Giornale dello Spettacolo" online

“European Films at the European Box-Office, 2008”
by Elisabetta Brunella, published in the European Film Awards 2008 Souvenir Programme

Presentation of the MEDIA Salles' "European Cinema Yearbook - 2006 advance edition"
Talk by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles,
during Eurovisioni 2006,
published on the website of RadioRadicale on 20 October 2006

The convention of the art-house sector in Germany
(versione italiana)
by Elisabetta Brunella
published in the "Giornale dello Spettacolo"
no. 29 of 20 October 2006

"European cinemas: is it really the price that affects admissions?"
Text by Paola Bensi, Lecturer in Marketing, Catholic University of Cremona (Italy)
(Complete version of the text published in issue no. 2/2006 of the MEDIA Salles' Newsletter "European Cinema Journal")

“Windows and the future of the cinemas”
Text by Dr Joachim Ph. Wolff, Scientific Advisor to MEDIA Salles' Yearbook
published in issue of October 2005 of the Dutch trade magazine “Holland Film Nieuws”

“Cinema-going in Europe in 2004”
in “European Cinema Journal” No. 3/2005, pages 1-2
(versione italiana)

Table “Screens and admissions from 1997 to 2004”
in “European Cinema Journal” No. 3/2005, pages 2-3
(versione italiana)

“Screens in Europe”
in “European Cinema Journal” No. 3/2005, page 2
(versione italiana)

“Exhibitor training: Budapest 2004”
in “European Cinema Journal” No. 1/2005, pages 3-4
(versione italiana)

MEDIA Salles at the CICAE Course "Art Cinemas = Action+Management"
Talk by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles
San Servolo, Venice (Italy), 9 March 2005

Presentation of MEDIA Salles' "European Cinema Yearbook - 2004 final edition"
Talk by Dr Joachim Ph. Wolff, Scientific Advisor to MEDIA Salles' Yearbook
at the Berlin International Film Festival, 13 February 2005

MEDIA Salles' contribution
at the "Rencontres de Lille", 30 October 2004

(versione italiana)
(version française)

"Which market for European films? A MEDIA Salles' analysis"
by Paola Bensi, in "European Cinema Journal" No. 4/2004, page 2
(versione italiana)

"Cinema marketing: an interesting novelty"
in "European Cinema Journal" No. 4/2004, page 4
(versione italiana)

MEDIA Salles at the Workshop:
"European Audiovisual Market - Current Trends"

Talk by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (Czech Republic), 7 July 2004

MEDIA Salles at the Workshop:
"Cinema Europeo: Cultura e Mercato"

Talk by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles
Giornate Professionali di Cinema, Genova (Italy), 2 July 2004
(versione italiana)

MEDIA Salles' Seminar at Cinema Expo International 2004:
"Opening Cinemas in New Markets"

Amsterdam, 21 June 2004

MEDIA Salles at the ANEC - ACEC Workshop:
"La centralità della sala cinematografica oggi e domani"
Talk by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles
Roma (Italy), 26 May 2004
(versione italiana)

"A bigger Europe: opportunities for the cinema"
Interview with Ms Viviane Reding, in "European Cinema Journal" No. 3/2004, page 1
(versione italiana)

"Cinema-going in Europe in 2003"
by Elisabetta Brunella, in "European Cinema Journal" No. 3/2004, pages 1-2
(versione italiana)

"Hypothesis of a relationship between fluctuations in total admissions and the success of domestic films"
by Dr Joachim Ph. Wolff, in "European Cinema Journal" No. 1/2004, page 2
(versione italiana)

"EU extension: opportunities and risks"
in "European Cinema Journal" No. 4/2003, page 1
(versione italiana)

MEDIA Salles at XVII International Festival of Cinema and Television Eurovisioni
"General Overview on the European and Us Cinema Exhibition Market"

A statistical framework elaborated by MEDIA Salles - Rome, 20 October 2003

Article on Russian cinemas
by Elisabetta Brunella
published in the "Giornale dello Spettacolo" no. 30 of 17 October 2003
(versione italiana)

MEDIA Salles at the workshop:
"The circulation of European non-national films and the European support policy"

Talk by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles
Gent (Belgium), at the International Film Festival of Flanders, 10 October 2003

MEDIA Salles al seminario:
"La distribuzione dei film italiani in Francia, la distribuzione dei film francesi in Italia"

Intervento di Elisabetta Brunella, Segretario Generale di MEDIA Salles
Annecy, 4 ottobre 2003
English version soon available.
Version française

MEDIA Salles at the Conference "Film Exhibition Business"
Talk by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles
KINO EXPO 2003, Moscow, 16 September 2003

MEDIA Salles' Presentation and an overview on:
- Cinema-going in Europe;
- Multiplexes in Europe;
- What Films do Europeans watch at the cinema?
held during KINO EXPO 2003, Moscow, September 2003

"The Cinema as a Vehicle of Multiculturalism",
Talk by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles,
at the IXth Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Cinema, Venice, 5 September 2003
(versione italiana)

"European films in 2002: the difficulty of crossing borders"
in "European Cinema Journal" No. 3/2003, page 2
(versione italiana)

MEDIA Salles' Seminar at Cinema Expo International :
"A panorama of cinema-going in Europe in 2002 - Marketing strategies by exhibition companies for building communities through loyalty programs"
Amsterdam, 23 June 2003

"Cinema-going in Europe in 2002"
by Elisabetta Brunella, in "European Cinema Journal" No. 2/2003, pages 1-2
(versione italiana)

Lo sviluppo del consumo di cinema in sala
by Giuseppe Delmestri, Luigi Proserpio e Giovanni Tomasi, Università Bocconi, Milano (Italian Text)

The economic potential of the cinema industry in Central and Eastern Europe,
by Joachim Ph. Wolff in "European Cinema Journal" No. 4/2002, page 2
(versione italiana)

The impact of the national film
by Jens Rykaer in "European Cinema Journal" No. 3/2002, page 1
(versione italiana)

Admissions were up. Was it due to European films?
by Dr Joachim Ph. Wolff in "European Cinema Journal" No. 3/2002, page 2
(versione italiana)

Cinema-going in Europe in 2001
by Elisabetta Brunella in "European Cinema Journal" No. 1/2002, page 1
(versione italiana)

Non domestic European films on the West European markets
by Dr Joachim Ph. Wolff in "European Cinema Journal" No. 1/2002, page 2
(versione italiana)

Cinema-going in Europe in 2000
by Elisabetta Brunella
in "European Cinema Journal" No. 2/2001, page 1
(versione italiana)

Concentration of business in the European exhibition and distribution industry
by Dr Joachim Ph. Wolff in "European Cinema Journal" No. 2/2001, pages 2-3
(versione italiana)

The exhibition of European Films revisited by Joachim Ph. Wolff

An analysis of ticket prices in European exhibiting theatres (Italian text)
by Paola Bensi

The International Federation of Film Societies FICC / IFFS introduces its INTERNATIONAL FILM DISTRIBUTION NETWORK by Robert Richter

"MEDIA PLUS 2001-2005: the new European Community programme in support of the European audiovisual industry"
by Roberto Olla in "European Cinema Journal" no. 4/2000, page 1
(versione italiana)

"European Film Promotion: no motion without promotion"
by Claudia Landsberger in "European Cinema Journal" no. 3/2000, page 1
(versione italiana)

"Cinema Exhibition in Europe in 1999"
by Elisabetta Brunella in "European Cinema Journal" no. 2/2000, pages 1-2-3 (versione italiana)

"Ticket Prices in European Cinemas"
by Paola Bensi in "European Cinema Journal" no. 1/2000, pages 1-2-3
(versione italiana)

"The circulation of European Films"
by Paola Bertinotti in "European Cinema Journal" no. 4/1999, pages 1-2
(versione italiana)

"Cinema-going on the major world markets"
by Paola Bertinotti in "European Cinema Journal" no. 3/1999, pages 1-2-3
(versione italiana)

"Cinema Exhibition in Europe in 1998"
by Elisabetta Brunella in "European Cinema Journal" no. 1/1999, pages 1-2-3
(versione italiana)

Considerations on cinema exhibition in Western Europe in 1997 (Italian text)
by Paola Bensi

Considerations on cinema exhibition in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean Rim in 1997(Italian text) by Paola Bensi
Cultural Space as Political Metaphor: the Case of the European ‘Quality’ Film
by Mary Wood
A brief history of cinema exhibition in the UK by Philip Mc Cosker

Look who’s watching! A brief reflection on European cinema audiences
by Philippe Meers

The most widely viewed European films in 1998 by Elisabetta Brunella

Cinemas in Europe and the most widely viewed European films in 1998
(Italian text) by Elisabetta Brunella


“The EU enlargement: Cinema-going in Slovenia” – “Growth in Admission”
in “European Cinema Journal” No. 3/2005, page3
(versione italiana)

Table “Most widely seen Slovenian films”
in “European Cinema Journal” No. 3/2005, page 3
(versione italiana)

Russian cinemas by Elisabetta Brunella
published in the "Giornale dello Spettacolo"
no. 30 of 21 October 2005
(Versione italiana)

Cinema in Russia by Elisabetta Brunella
published in the "Giornale dello Spettacolo"
no. 27 of 30 September 2005
(Versione italiana)

Cinemas in Poland by Elisabetta Brunella
published in the "Giornale dello Spettacolo"
no. 25 of 16 September 2005
(Versione italiana)

“The EU enlargement: cinema-going in Malta – A British style Mediterranean market”
by Kate De Cesare, in “European Cinema Journal” No. 2/2005, page 3
(versione italiana presto disponibile)

“The EU enlargement: cinema-going in Lithuania – Establishing a new balance”
by Goda Sosnovskiene, in “European Cinema Journal” No. 1/2005, page 3
(versione italiana)

"The EU enlargement: cinema-going in Poland - Frequency on the increase"
by Jacek Fuksiewicz, in "European Cinema Journal" No. 4/2004, page 3
(versione italiana)

"Cinema-going in the Czech Republic"
by Milos Navratil, in "European Cinema Journal" No. 3/2004, page 4
(versione italiana)

"Cinema-going in Latvia"
by Andris Rozenbergs, in "European Cinema Journal" No. 1/2004, pages 2-3
(versione italiana)

"Cinema-going in Estonia"
by Eda Koppel and Margit Vremmert, in "European Cinema Journal" No. 4/2003, pages 3-4
(versione italiana)

"Poland: exhibitors and distributors meet"
by Pawel Wachnik, in "European Cinema Journal" No. 4/2003, page 3
(versione italiana)

"Tickets: down with prices - In Belgium a new audience survey"
in "European Cinema Journal" No. 4/2003, page 2
(versione italiana)

"Cinema-going during the summer: Germany"
Interview with Andreas Kramer, in "European Cinema Journal" No. 3/2003, pages 1-4
(versione italiana)

"Filmweb - The Norwegian cinema market meets the audience on the Internet"
by Kjell Arne Orseth, in "European Cinema Journal" No. 3/2003, page 3
(versione italiana)

"The Norwegian market"
in "European Cinema Journal" No. 3/2003, page 3
(versione italiana)

"The Korean film industry, dramatic movement over the next generation"
by June-Kyoung Park, published in "European Cinema Journal" No. 2/2003, page 4
Diagram 1 - Diagram 2 - Diagram 3 - Diagram 4

Cinema-going in Hungary,
by Tibor Bíró in "European Cinema Journal" No. 1/2003, page 3
(versione italiana)

Budapest Film - Independent Hungarian Distributor with European Flavour,
by Ilona Kozma and Gabor Csurdi in "European Cinema Journal" No. 1/2003, page 3
(versione italiana)

Poland - Interwiew with Pawel Wachnik in "European Cinema Journal"
No. 4/2002, page 2

Norway - Joining current trends
by Tom Remlov in "European Cinema Journal" No. 3/2002, pages 2-3
(versione italiana)

Denmark - The domestic films at the box office
by Jimmy Bredow in "European Cinema Journal" No. 2/2002, page 4
(versione italiana)

Multiplexes in Europe: are we facing the same future as that of the United States? The case of Cyprus
by Froso Adamides
in "European Cinema Journal" No. 3/2001, pages 3-4
(versione italiana)

The cinema in Portugal. Public intervention and private enterprise
by Maria João Taborda in "European Cinema Journal" No. 1/2001, page 3
(versione italiana)

How France contributes to children's cinema
by Daniel Sauvaget in "European Cinema Journal" No. 1/2001, page 4
(versione italiana)


“Audience segmentation”
in “European Cinema Journal” ”Special Kino Expo” No. 4/2005, page 3
(versione italiana)

“Audience segmentation”
in “European Cinema Journal” – “Special Venice’’ No. 4/2005, page 3

“Evaluating the standard of service offered by the theatre”
in “European Cinema Journal” No. 3/2005, page 4
(versione italiana)

“Planning the theatre’s offer”
by Rossella Gambetti in “European Cinema Journal” No. 2/2005, page 4
(versione italiana presto disponibile)

“Determining the identity of the cinema and defining its mission”
by Rossella Gambetti in “European Cinema Journal” No. 1/2005, page 3
(versione italiana)