An initiative of the EU MEDIA Programme with the support of the Italian Government
Since 1992 MEDIA Salles has been promoting the European cinema and its circulation at theatrical level




Click this logo to see the home page of the Italian trade magazine "Cinema&Video",
where various articles on the MEDIA Salles' Calendar "Italian films: when and where" appear.


Issue no. 200 of November-December 2024
"The call of the Bel Paese" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 198 of August-September 2024
"The most watched Italian film abroad" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 197 of May 2024
"Europe's top: Italian films and their distributors" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Online issue of February 2024
"Cinema italiano in Europa / La scalata de Le Otto Montagne"
(di Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 196 of January-February 2024
"Around Europe in...how many days?"  (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 193 of August-September 2023
"Success from the other side of the Alps" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 188 of August-September 2022
"The great beauty of the truffle" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Special issue Giornate di Cinema RELOAD - May 2021 - online
“Il traditore” porta l’Italia in Europa (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Special issue MIPTV 2021 - April 2021 - online
"Record number  of Italian movies in Russian theaters"(by Elisabetta Brunella)

MEDIA Salles thanks "Cinema&Video" for publishing also the following articles, offering comprehensive info about cinema-going in Europe during the pandemic

News 27 July 2020

Issue no. 1-2 of January-February 2020
"MEDIASALLES/A taste of Italy" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no.12 of December 2019
"SWITZERLAND/Business off the beaten track" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 8-9 of August-September 2019
"NETHERLANDS/Amidst the Opera, Arts and Soccer" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 6-7 of June-July 2019
(by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 5 of May 2019
"WORLD MOVIE THEATERS/Italian Sounding" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 1-2 of January-February 2019
"ADDED CONTENT/Added Value" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 12 of December 2018
"ITALIAN MOVIES ABROAD/Italian Exhibitors suggest" (by Elisabetta Brunella and Silvia Mancini)

Issue no. 10-11 of October-November 2018
"THE BEL PAESE/From Russia with love" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 6-7 of June-July 2018
"TENDENZA/Event Cinema: la cultura fa mercato" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 5 of May 2018
"ITALIAN CINEMA ABROAD/If the star is Raffaello" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue of February 2018
"THE MEDIA Salles ANALYSES/Scent of London"
(by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 12 of December 2017
"CINEMA ITALIANO NEL MONDO/Sale e Festival to go" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 8-9 of August-September 2017
"ITALIAN CINEMA IN FRANCE/Annecy opens up to the Industry" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 6-7 of June-July 2017
"FILM ITALIANI ALL'ESTERO/Chiedetelo agli Esercenti" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 5 of May 2017
"Sognando il day and date"
(by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 1-2 of January-February 2017
"Coprodurre conviene" (by Paola Bensi and Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue of 23 November 2016
"Film italiani all'estero/La lunga attesa" (by Paola Bensi and Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue of 10 October 2016
"L'analisi/Oltre il giardino" (by Paola Bensi and Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue of 5 February 2016
"CASE HISTORY/Human Capital abroad" (by Elisabetta Brunella and Xhejni Xharja)

Issue no. 8-9 of August-September 2007
"Cinema italiano all'estero / Parigi ha nostalgia dell'ultimo tango"
(by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 5 of May 2007
"Exports / Studying the market"
(by Elisabetta Brunella)
"Public / MEDIA Salles provides the figures"
(Interview with Walter Vacchino)

Issue no. 3-4 of March-April 2007
"Italian movies abroad/Green light for Rosso come il cielo"
(by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 1-2 of January-February 2007
"Experiments/"Christmas movies in Germany" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 9-10 of October-November 2006
"Italian movies abroad" (by Elisabetta Brunella)

Issue no. 7-8 of August-September 2006
"Releasing Italian movies outside Italy" (by Elisabetta Brunella)