Reg. Trib. Milano n. 418 del 02.07.2007
Direttore responsabile: Elisabetta Brunella

International Edition No. 90 - year 8 - 9 February 2013

Special issue on the occasion of the 63. Berlin Film Festival


At the start of 2013 70% of European screens are digital
At 1st January 2013, the number of screens equipped with either DLP Cinema™or SXRD™ technology worldwide had totalled more than 90,000 units, increasing by 43% compared to the year before.
As the estimated total number of commercial screens in the world is around 120,000, the penetration rate for the new technology has reached 75%.

Of the 90,142 digital screens, 25,.255 are located in Europe, which is the second major market, after North America that totals about 36,300 units.
There follow Asia and Pacific, with approximately 23,150 digital projectors, Latin America, with more than 4,800 and Africa, with just under 700 digital screens.

During 2012 the European digital base increased by 38%, even though with a slight slowdown in the second semester (+15.5% versus +19.6% from January to June). With regard to the penetration rate, Europe is slightly below the world average. In fact, 70% of its screens have been digitized so far.

Although for several countries only estimates are available, it can already be stated that the European average conceals very different situations, with countries where 35mm has practically disappeared - both from theatres and from distribution - and with markets where the spread of the new technology regards fewer than half of the screens.
The advance data already available for the 6 major markets offers a clear proof of this heterogeneous situation.
France, for instance, totalling about 5,200 digital screens, records a penetration rate well beyond the European average, i.e. 95%. A similar situation emerges in the United Kingdom, where the digital installations amount to over 3,500 units.
There follow, at a quite significant distance, Germany (a little more than 3,000 screens, a 65% penetration rate), Russia (almost 2,000 screens - 63%) and Italy (about 2,200 screens - 57%).
Finally, Spain shows a much lower penetration rate, i.e. 46% (a little more than 1,800 screens).

It may be interesting to compare this "snapshot" as at 1st January 2013 with the situation analyzed by MEDIA Salles six months earlier.
As at 30th June 2012, the penetration rate of digital technology in Europe was 60%. Of the 35 countries analysed by MEDIA Salles, as many as 17 were placed below the European average. Amongst them appeared both small countries, like Malta, with a 16% penetration of digital screens, and some of the leading European markets, such as Spain (43%), Italy (47%) and Germany (54%).
Similarly, amongst the countries almost totally digitized were two leaders in terms of cinema-going in Europe such as France (81%) and the United Kingdom (85%), and small-to-medium-sized markets such as Finland (85%), Denmark (88%), Belgium (93%) and the Netherlands (93%), not to speak of countries that are 100% digital, such as Norway and Luxemburg.


It was presented at the Berlinale the third edition of the streamlined and easy-to-consult volume containing figures, ideas and success stories in the field of digital projection, collected during the MEDIA Salles' course: "DigiTraining Plus: European Cinemas Experiencing New Technologies - 2012 edition" and accompanied by a section rich in tables and graphs on the state and development of digital projection in Europe and in the rest of the world.



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DigiTraining Plus
New Technologies for the European Cinemas of the Future

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The first figures for 2013 also confirm the phenomenon recorded for the first time in 2012, i.e. the lower increase in 3D digital screens compared to 2D, the result of which was to reduce the incidence of 3D.
This decrease is particularly marked on those markets that are approaching completion of their transition.
This is the case in France, for example, where, at June 2012 3D technology was adopted by 59% of screens as against 70% at June 2011.
Similar trends are shown in the Netherlands, dropping from 72% to 51%, in the United Kingdom (from 66% to 50%), in Switzerland (from 76% to 60%), in Sweden (from 87% to 59%) and in Denmark (from 81% to 64%). On observing the trend on markets that are more mature in terms of digitization, it can be estimated that 3D penetration will settle at between 50% and 60%. A significant case is that of Norway, a pioneer country in full digitization, where 3D is installed in 61% of screens.

(Per leggere il testo in italiano cliccare qui)

Cinema admissions in Europe: -2% in 2012
In movie theatres in the 35 countries surveyed by MEDIA Salles, from Iceland to Russia, from Portugal to Turkey, admissions in 2012 amounted to 1,190.5 million spectators, with a drop of 2% compared to the 1,214.3 million of 2011.
In particular, the 19 countries in Western Europe, dropping from 905.0 million in 2011 to 881.6 in 2012, record a slightly higher decrease than the average for the Continent, a drop of -2.6%.
Instead, admissions in the 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean Rim remain more or less stable, totalling 308.9 million spectators in 2012, as against the 309.3 of the previous year (-0.1%).

The six leading markets
If the average dip in Europe as a whole stands at -2%, individual countries reveal differing trends, as emerges clearly from an analysis of the six leading markets, which account for 73.4% of European spectators.
2012 closes negatively for France (-5.9%), who does, however remain above the 200 million-spectator mark and confirms her position as the leading European market in terms of tickets sold.
More marked decreases are to be seen in Italy - where the initial estimates regarding screens in operation for at least 60 days a year are a little under 99 million spectators (-10.2%) - and in Spain, where almost 7 million spectators are lost compared to 2011 (-7%), confirming a negative downward turn lasting several years now.
A very slight dip is recorded in Russia (CIS, not including Ukraine), which shifts from 173.2 million admissions in 2011 to around 171.6 million in 2012, with a drop of -0.9%. An opposite trend on the large Western European markets is to be found in Germany who, with 135.1 million spectators compared to the 129.6 of 2011, records a +4.2% increase and, to a lesser extent, the United Kingdom - the Continent's second largest market - which totals 172.5 million tickets in 2012 as against the 171.6 of the previous year (+0.5%).

(Per leggere il testo in italiano cliccare qui)


Western Europe - Admissions (x 1 000) (1989-2012)

© copyright MEDIA Salles

1) Il dato del 2011 si riferisce a 52 settimane dal 30/12/2010 al 29/12/2011 per i seguenti Paesi: Grecia, Paesi Bassi, Regno Unito, Svezia, Svizzera e Lichtenstein.
The 2011 figure refers to 52 weeks from 30/12/2010 to 29/12/2011 for the following countries: Greece, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland and Lichtenstein.
Le chiffre de 2011 se réfère à 52 semaines du 30/12/2010 au 29/12/2011 pour les pays suivants: Grèce, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni, Suède, Suisse et Lichtenstein.
El dato del 2011 hace referencia a las 52 semanas del 30/12/2010 al 29/12/2011 para los siguientes países: Grecia, Paises Bajos, Reino Unido, Suecia, Suiza y Lichtenstein.

2) Inclusi i cinema municipali.
Including municipal cinemas.
Y compris les cinémas municipaux.
Incluidos los cines municipales.

3) Solo Repubblica Federale di Germania.
Old BRD only.
Allemagne de l’Ouest seulement.
República Federal de Alemania únicamente.

4) Idem

.5) Questo dato si riferisce a 53 settimane di programmazione.
This figure refers to 53 screening weeks.
Cette donnée se réfère à 53 semaines de programmation.
Esta cifra corresponde a 53 semanas de programación

.6) Idem.

7) Questo dato si riferisce ad un periodo di soli 9 mesi: settembre 1994 - maggio 1995.
This figure only concerns a period of nine months: September 1994 - May 1995.
Cette donnée se réfère à une période de 9 mois seulement: septembre 1994 - mai 1995.
Esta cifra sólo abarca un período de nueve meses: septiembre de 1994 - mayo de 1995.

8) Relative agli schermi operanti per più di 60 giorni l’anno. Le presenze relative al totale degli schermi (esclusi arene e ambulanti) erano 96 448 505 nel 1996; 102 566 523 nel 1997; 118 425 865 nel 1998; 103 483 150 nel 1999; 103 367 832 nel 2000; 109 535 939 nel 2001; 114 805 678 nel 2002; 109 312 788 nel 2003; 115 845 480 nel 2004; 104 689 099 nel 2005; 103 931 247 nel 2006; 115 467 872 nel 2007; 109 857 051 nel 2008; 108 263 184 nel 2009; 120 192 276 nel 2010; 112 119 910 nel 2011.
Relevant to screens with more than 60 days of activity per year. The total admissions relevant to all screens (not including arenas and travelling screens) were 96 448 505 in 1996; 102 566 523 in 1997; 118 425 865 in 1998; 103 483 150 in 1999; 103 367 832 in 2000; 109 535 939 in 2001; 114 805 678 in 2002; 109 312 788 in 2003; 115 845 480 in 2004; 104 689 099 in 2005; 103 931 247 in 2006; 115 467 872 in 2007; 109 857 051 in 2008; 108 263 184 in 2009; 120 192 276 in 2010; 112 119 910 in 2011.
Relatives aux écrans en activité pendant plus de 60 jours par an. Le total des entrées de tous les écrans (sauf arènes et itinérants) était de 96 448 505 en 1996; de 102 566 523 en 1997; de 118 425 865 en 1998; de 103 483 150 en 1999; de 103 367 832 en 2000; de 109 535 939 en 2001; 114 805 678 en 2002; 109 312 788 en 2003; 115 845 480 en 2004; 104 689 099 en 2005; 103 931 247 en 2006; 115 467 872 en 2007;
109 857 051 en 2008; 108 263 184 en 2009; 120 192 276 en 2010; 112 119 910 en 2011.
Correspondiente a las pantallas con más de 60 días de actividad al año. En total se registraron las siguientes entradas correspondientes a todas las pantallas (excluyendo arenas y pantallas itinerantes): 96 448 505 en 1996; 102 566 523 en 1997; 118 425 865 en 1998; 103 483 150 en 1999; 103 367 832 en 2000; 109 535 939 en 2001; 114 805 678 en 2002; 109 312 788 en 2003; 115 845 480 en 2004; 104 689 099 en 2005; 103 931 247 en 2006; 115 467 872 en 2007; 109 857 051 en 2008; 108 263 184 en 2009; 120 192 276 en 2010; 112 119 910 en 2011.

9) 1996 – 2009: dato relativo solo ai lungometraggi.
1996 – 2009: released full-length feature films only.
1996 – 2009: chiffre concernant uniquement les longs métrages
1996 – 2009: datos relativos solamente a largometrajes

10) Dati parziali.
Partial data.
Données partielles.
Datos parziale.

11) Idem.

12) Queste cifre non includono i dati relativi ad alcuni piccoli distributori. Nel 2003 le presenze complessive sono circa 25 000 000.
These figures do not include data on some small distributors. In 2003 total admissions were around 25 000 000.
Ces chiffres ne comprennent pas les données relatives à quelques petits distributeurs. En 2003 les entrées globales ont été environ 25 000 000.
Estas cifras no incluyen datos de algunos pequeños distribuidores. En 2003, hubo cerca de 25 000 000 entradas en total.

13) Questo dato si riferisce a 53 settimane di programmazione.
This figure refers to 53 screening weeks.
Cette donnée se réfère à 53 semaines de programmation.
Esta cifra corresponde a 53 semanas de programación.

14) Idem.

15) Idem.

16) 2001 - 2003 INE
2004 - 2012 ICA

17) Le presenze secondo INE, comprendente anche le sale polivalenti, sono 18 880 000.
Admissions according to INE, which include polyvalent theatres, are 18 880 000.
Les entrées selon INE, comprenant aussi les salles polyvalentes, sont de 18 880 000.
Los espectadores para INE, que incluyen también las salas polivalentes, son 18 880 000.

18) Le presenze secondo INE, comprendente anche le sale polivalenti, sono 17 165 000.
Admissions according to INE, which include polyvalent theatres, are 17 165 000.
Les entrées selon INE, comprenant aussi les salles polyvalentes, sont de 17 165 000.
Los espectadores para INE, que incluyen también las salas polivalentes, son 17 165 000.

19) I dati riguardanti Austria, Finlandia e Svezia sono inclusi dal 1989.
Data on Austria, Finland and Sweden have been included since 1989.
Les données concernant l’Autriche, la Finlande et la Suède sont incluses à partir de 1989.
Los datos de Austria, Finlandia y Suecia se han incluido desde 1989

Central and Eastern Europe and Mediterranean Rim - Admissions (x 1 000)

© copyright MEDIA Salles

1) Il dato del 2011 si riferisce a 52 settimane dal 30/12/2010 al 29/12/2011per Polonia e Romania.
The 2011 figure refers to 52 weeks from 30/12/2010 to 29/12/2011 for Poland and Romania.
Le chiffre de 2011 se réfère à 53 semaines du 30/12/10 au 29/12/2011 pour la Pologne et la Roumanie.
El dato del 2011 hace referencia a las 52 semanas del 30/12/2010 al 29/12/2011 para los siguientes países: Polonia y Rumanía.

2) Film usciti nell’anno. La serie storica presenta disomogeneità in quanto i dati si riferiscono dal 1994 al 2002 alla Iugoslavia, dal 2003 al 2006 a Serbia e Montenegro e dal 2007 in poi alla sola Serbia.
New releases. The figures over time show some discrepancies as they refer to Yugoslavia from 1994 to 2002, to Serbia and Montenegro from 2003 to 2006, and to Serbia alone from 2007 onwards.
Films sortis dans l’année. La série historique présente un manque d’homogénéité, car les chiffres se réfèrent de 1994 à 2002 à la Yougoslavie, de 2003 à 2006 à la Serbie et au Monténégro et à partir de 2007 seulement à la Serbie.
Películas estrenadas en el año. Las cifras lo largo del tiempo, muestran algunas discrepancias ya que se refieren a Yugoslavia desde 1994 hasta 2002, a Serbia y Montenegro desde 2003 hasta 2006, y solo a Serbia a partir de 2007.

3) Dal 2010 nuova fonte: National Statistics Office di Malta. La serie storica potrebbe contenere discontinuità tra i dati successivi il 2010 e quelli precedenti.
New source as from 2010: National Statistics Office of Malta. The series over time may show some discontinuity between data before 2010 and data thereafter.
Depuis 2010, nouvelle source : National Statistics Office de Malte. La série historique pourrait contenir une discontinuité entre les chiffres après 2010 et ceux avant.
Del 2010 nueva fuente: Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Malta. La continuidad histórica puede contener discontinuidad entre los datos sucesivos al 2010 y aquellos precetentes.

4) Dato riferito al mercato CIS esclusa l’Ucraina stimato come percentuale del mercato CIS complessivo: il 95,6% del mercato nel 2008; il 95,2% nel 2009 e il 95,9% nel 2010. Il periodo di rilevazione riguarda 52 settimane dal novembre di un anno al novembre dell’anno successivo.
Figure refers to the CSI market, not including Ukraine estimated as a percentage of the overall CIS market: 95,6% of the market in 2008; 95,2% in 2009 and 95,9% in 2010. The period over which data was collected regarded 52 weeks from November one year to November the next.
Donnée référée au marché CIS sans l’Ukraine, estimée comme un pourcentage de l’ensemble du marché CIS: 95,6% du marché en 2008; 95,2% en 2009 et 95,9% en 2010. La période de saisie concerne 52 semaines du mois de novembre d’une année au mois de novembre de l’année suivante.
Dato referido al mercado CIS, excluyendo Ucrania estimando como porcentaje del mercado CIS global: 95,6 y del mercado en 2008, 95,2% en el 2009 y 95,9% en el 2010. El periodo del que se han recogido los datos corresponde a 52 semanas desde noviembre de un año hasta noviembre del siguiente.

5) Dal 2011 fonte Antrakt Sinema Gazetesi che rileva i dati su base settimanale.
From 2011 onwards the source is Antrakt Sinema Gazetesi, which collects data on a weekly basis.
Depuis 2011, source Antrakt Sinema Gazetesi qui collecte les données sur base hebdomadaire.
Del 2011 fuente Antrakt Sinema Gazetesi que actualiza sus datos semanalmente.

MEDIA Salles' contacts and address

MEDIA Salles
Piazza Luigi di Savoia, 24 - 20124 Milano - Italy
Tel.: +39.02.6739781 - Fax: +39.02.6690410