and figures: this is the menu on the morning of 30 June for the participants
at DigiTraining Plus, now in progress in Helsinki.
“In 2004, when MEDIA Salles began offering these training courses,
there were 30 digital screens in the whole of Europe. At the beginning
of 2011 they had increased to 10,346.
The new projection technology has reached 29% of European theatres to
date, driven mainly by the rush on 3D which has characterised the past
two years.
Stereoscopic projection is, in fact, available on 81% of digital screens,
with peaks of 99.5% in countries like Russia, i,e, mainly where digitalization
began relatively late in the day.
Instead, over the past few months most of the growth has been recorded
where the big exhibition chains have opted for 100% digitalization.
On the basis of these figures, according to MEDIA Salles forecasts, the
threshold of 50% of Europe’s screens going digital should be reached
between the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012.
The challenge remains open for the rest of Europe’s cinemas: which
economic models are capable of consenting a digital transition for all
This is how Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles commented
on the results emerging from the latest surveys carried out by MEDIA Salles,
which will form the basis of the report on digitalization in Europe to
be produced in collaboration with the European Audiovisual Observatory
over the coming months.
Answers to the question of the development of digitalization will be coming
from different quarters during the course: from integrators like AAM,
programmed today, and XDC/FTT who will be contributing tomorrow, as well
as from public institutions such as the European Commission and exhibitors’
associations, such as the British DFP and the Dutch NVB.
The day proceeds with John Graham and David Monk, representing EDCF, a
course partner, and Mélodie Hoppenot, from Smartjog, who will be
explaining how cinemas can free themselves of the physical support for
supplying films: no longer heavy
film reels, but not even the more convenient hard disk, either.
In the afternoon, the programme includes a talk by Elise Brandt, promoter
of a blog on the daily routine of digital technology followed passionately
by all Finnish cinema technicians, and the presentation by Giovanni Dolci,
who will speak about the financial modes for digital migration through
the “European version” of Virtual Print Fee.
And, regarding “migration”, in the evening the course will
be moving to the opposite bank of the Baltic Sea: see you later in Tallinn!
30 June
Film Foundation Auditorium
Digitisation in Europe: key figures
by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles
Coffee break
D-Cinema: why we are where we are today,
with John Graham and Dave Monk (EDCF)
Coffee break
Technical session: delivery of digital materials
to movie theatres, followed by Demo presentation
by Mélodie Hoppenot, SmartJog
Q&A session
Lunch for the course participants at Brasserie
- Wanha Satama Ravintolat
Integration experiences in Europe:
Giovanni Dolci (AAM)
Q&A session
Coffee break
Widening the Horizon - A Way To Share Your
Experiences by Elise Brandt, Studio 123
Q&A session
Boat to Tallinn
Dinner buffet in the lounge area at A. LeCoq
Suite at Coca Cola Plaza
Presentation in the movie hall given by
Triin Jürgens, Marketing Manager of Forum Cinemas:
the Forum Cinemas approach to digitalization
Screening of a 3D demo reel and 3D content |