At the end of 2005 there
were 600 of them; the number has risen to almost 6,000 in the space of
two years: these are the figures on the worldwide spread of projectors
fitted with DLP Cinema or, to a much lesser extent, 4K technology.
An overview of the offer of digital cinema at 31 December 2007 –
based on the half-yearly figures published by MEDIA Salles in the European
Cinema Yearbook – opened the series of technical sessions at the
DigiTraining Plus 2008 course that began yesterday in London.
From the more detailed account presented by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary
General of MEDIA Salles, the different rates at which digital technology
is adopted by cinemas in North America (4,576 screens representing 79%
of the world’s total digital screens) and Europe (829 installations)
could clearly be seen.
Even further behind comes Asia (374 units), which, after playing a pioneering
role, is now at a standstill.
The diverse factors that help to explain why, on the one hand, digital
screens have doubled their numbers in 24 months and, on the other, the
difference between the various markets, were analyzed in the talk by Dave
Monk, Secretary General of EDCF: the impulse provided by the
publications of the DCI specs, with a view to standardizing equipment
and operational models, the identification of VPF as the business model
widely adopted in North America, the relatively low number of players
on the North American market which favours the adoption of this model.
The opening day concluded with the 45 participants
from 14 different countries taking turns to speak about their expectations
and their plans.
<Digitalization is the future for movie theatres>, stated Zoltán
Turcsány, an exhibitor from Kiskunfélegyháza in Hungary.
<It is vital for us to prepare for this transition.>
The fact that public institutions in various countries are sensitive to
the technological challenges and needs of the sector was demonstrated
by the remarks of Marc López Ribes (Spain) and of Veronika Bakonyi,
who announced the imminent implementation of public support measures in
Hungary on behalf of the digitalization of theatres, both commercial and
here to see the course programme)
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Piazza Luigi di Savoia, 24 – 20124 Milano - Italy
Tel.: +39.02.6739781 – Fax: +39.02.6690410
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MEDIA Salles, a project
operating within the framework of the European Union's MEDIA Programme,
with the support of the Italian Government, fosters theatrical
distribution of European audiovisual products, both by high profile campaigns
involving Europe's cinema exhibitors and by initiatives to raise the visibility
of European productions with industry players and potential audiences,
creating specialized information channels on a global scale. Thus the
current initiatives from MEDIA Salles dovetail in a program with a triple
focus – training, promotion and information – and maximum
combined effect.