9 July: in Munich and Rome MEDIA Salles' appointments with digital cinema
DigiTraining enters its eleventh year and moves to Germany
"Installing a digital projector isn't the final objective but just the start of a new adventure": this is the message launched by one of the participants at the 2013 course. These words reveal that digitalization means far more than simply replacing an analogical projector with equipment that is technologically more advanced. Instead, it is the first step towards a new way of theatre management, programming content and approaching audiences. And this is why, although there are over one hundred thousand digital screens worldwide, of which over thirty thousand in Europe, the need for training has not come to an end but is keener than ever.
The participants in DigiTraining, who will be arriving in Munich tomorrow from very different situations, are living proof of this: they come from markets now fully digitalized, such as the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, but also countries that yet have to complete the transition, such as Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The programme of the 2014 course takes into account this variety of situations and expectations: if on the one hand it looks to the future and coming technological challenges - such as immersive sound, HFR and laser - on the other it offers an overview of the technical solutions and economic models suited to cinemas that yet have to make the transition to the digital age. Which, in Europe at present, come to over 5,000.
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From MEDIA Salles the Focus on digitalization of cinemas for the 2013 Report of the Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo (Foundation for Entertainment)
At the dawn of digitalization, the total number of commercial screens worldwide was estimated at around one hundred thousand. Since then a good ten years have gone by and screen numbers have grown to close on 130,000 today. At the start of 2011 the number of digital screens came to around 101,000, i.e. 87% of the total. The lion's share is to be found in North America with approximately 40,000 digital projectors, followed by Europe and Asia with the Pacific region. This is the panorama that provides the basis for the Focus on digitalization elaborated by MEDIA Salles for the Report in which the Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo (Foundation for Entertainment) offers a snapshot of the cinema market in Italy, compared to other international situations and experiences.
The Report will be presented tomorrow in Rome at the offices of the MiBACT in Via del Collegio Romano.
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