Reg. Trib. Milano n. 418 del 02.07.2007
Direttore responsabile: Elisabetta Brunella

  International Edition No. 104 - year 9 - 14 May 2014

Special issue on the occasion of the 67th Cannes Film Festival


Two occasions to join MEDIA Salles at the 67th Cannes Film Festival

  • 17 May, 10.00 a.m.: during "Bits & Bites of Creative Europe", organized by Creative Europe Desk Italy - Media Offices of Rome and Turin with Istituto Luce Cinecittà at the Italian Pavilion (Int'l Village no. 131). Cliccare qui per maggiori informazioni
  • 19 May, from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.: the traditional MEDIA Salles gathering at Cannes Film Festival will take place this year at the Italian Pavilion. Join us for an Italian "wine and cheese" reception, to know more about the 2014 training course and get your copy of the latest DiGiTalk. To register for the event, please send an email to

MEDIA Salles will present the eleventh edition of "DigiTraining Plus: New Technologies for the European Cinemas of the Future", to be held in Munich and Lake Constance from 9 to 13 July with the partnership of MFG Baden Württemberg and FFF Bayern and the collaboration of ARRI.

The eleventh edition of the
"DigiTraining Plus: New Technologies for the European Cinemas of the Future"

course will take place

in Munich and Lake Constance (Germany)

from 9 to 13 July 2014

Further information is published on our website, at the page dedicated to the course:

Application form

DigiTraining Plus 2014: New Technologies for the European Cinemas of the Future
9 - 13 July, Germany
Course programme

Wednesday, 9 July Thursday, 10 July Friday, 11 July Saturday, 12 July Sunday,13 July

Arrival of participants

in Munich

Munich at ARRI headquarters (Movie Theatre)

Session open to the audiovisual professionals from Bavaria and Baden Württemberg and to cinema schools

9.00 a.m.
Welcome message, by Franz Kraus, Chairman of ARRI
4K demo introduced, by Franz Kraus, Chairman of ARRI

10.00 a.m.
Digitalization in Europe and worldwide: facts and figures, by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles

10.30 a.m.
Digital Cinema 2.0
Innovative efforts in the cinema experience have moved away from high frame rates (HFR) to high dynamic range (HDR), immersive sound, and higher brightness 3D, by Michael Karagosian, MKPE

Q&A session

Coffee break

11.50 a.m.
ARRI booking system, by Matthias Ritschl, ARRI

12.30 p.m.
Visit to the ARRI digital cinema dept
(DCP duplicating, digital delivery colour grading suite, demo of HDR content)


Programme focused on the impact of digitization on independent, quality and countryside's theatres

9.00 a.m.
Visit to Scala Filmtheater (Constance) with presentation of the cinema and its programming and marketing strategies, by Detlef Rabe

9.30 a.m.
Session on public policies:

MFG funding policy in the region of Baden-Württemberg,
by Maria Gomez, Head of Cinema, Distribution and Sales Funding of MFG

10 a.m.
The future of film distribution: different possibilities for electronic delivery, by Carsten Schuffert, VP Content Services (dcinex)

Move to Überlingen
(Bus transfer organised by MEDIA Salles)


Munich - at ARRI headquarters (Movie Theatre)

9.15 a.m.
Accessibility in Cinemas

Presentation for CCAP, by Daniel Vogl, Sound Division Manager of ARRI

Demo of Sony's Entertainment Access Glasses

Q&A session

Transfer to ARRI Dubbing Studio

11.00 a.m.
Coffee break

11.30 a.m. (at Dubbing Studio)

Event cinema

Added content and its role for the enhancement of the social and cultural role of cinemas, by Klaudia Elsässer, Pannonia Entertainment and Isabelle Fauchet, Founder and CEO of Live Digital Cinema

Q&A session

Munich - at ARRI headquarters (Dubbing Studio)

Group work based on experiences of participants.

Off the beaten track: a critical look at conventional wisdom on digitization by Vittorio Polin

The Spanish market and its digitization, written contribution by Pilar Sierra, Gremi d'Empresaris de Cinemes de Catalunya

Open letter on the cinema of tomorrow: group work

Ideas and inspiration for exhibitor training initiatives

Conclusion of the course

  Lunch at ARRI headquarters

Free time in Überlingen including lunch

Free time in Munich including lunch  

At ARRI headquarters in Munich (Studio 2)

2.00 p.m.
Registration and welcome coffee

2.45 p.m.
Welcome speeches from the organizers and partners

- Mike Vickers, Treasurer of MEDIA Salles
- Klaus Schaefer
Director of FFF Bayern
- Martin Schwertführer, Head of Cinema Distribution of ARRI

3.30 p.m.
Introduction DigiTraining Plus 2014: structure & content, by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles and moderator of the course

4.15 p.m.
Panorama of German cinema and how digitization is proceeding in Germany, by Andreas Kramer, Director of HDF Kino

Digital technology at the service of quality cinema: the German experience, by Felix Bruder, AG Kino

Presentation of participants

Move to Monopol (tram 27)

At ARRI headquarters (Studio 2)

1.30 p.m.
Xenon vs Laser, by Jens Kayser NEC

2.15 p.m.
Masterclass: Benjamin Dauhrer (CineCitta), a pioneer of the digital transition

3.00 p.m.
Move to Constance
(Bus transfer organised by MEDIA Salles)


7.00 p.m.
Visit to the cinema Zebra Kino (Constance)

Welcome speech from Dieter Krauß, Member of the Management Board of MFG

Presentation of the cinema and its programming and marketing strategies, by Marvin Wiechert followed by drinks and finger food

2.00 p.m.
Visit to Cine Greth (Überlingen) with presentation of the cinema and its programming and marketing strategies, by Nicole Lailach and Thomas Aux

3.30 p.m.
Move to Munich
(Bus transfer organised by MEDIA Salles)

At ARRI headquarters (Dubbing Studio)

2.00 p.m.
The Digital Kitchen Sink (DCP, KDMs, Accessibility, Immersive Sound and High Quality Projection), by Michael Karagosian, MKPE

3.00 p.m.
Panel: How to contain the costs of managing a digital cinema

- Till Cussmann, dcinex,
- Gerrit Doorn and Albert Jan Vos, JT Cinema

4.30 p.m.
Programme focused on the offer to the public: new content and new services

Exchange of experiences on:

Insight into electronic delivery in 2014 and beyond/New possibilites with Cinema on Demand, by Harry Schusterov, Director Business Development of Gofilex Germany GmbH

Gaming - A case study by Tom de Bont, Heerenstraat Theater b.v.

Restored film: a new opportunity for cinemagoers, by Tereza Czesany Dvorakova, National Film Archive

The use of social media for theatre marketing and audience development, by Marian Plieštik, Kino Aero

Q&A session

6.30 p.m.
In collaboration with EDCF

The European cinemas of the future: which prospects for cinema experience?
by Dave Monk, EDCF

Q&A session

Departure of participants from Munich

Visit to Cinema Monopol - opening dinner

Free evening in Constance

Free evening in Munich

Closing dinner in Munich


by Elisabetta Brunella

This column hosts portraits of cinemas in Europe and the rest of the world which are quite different from one another but have in common the fact that they have all adopted digital projection.

No. of digital projectors
No. of 3D screens
Cine Greth
3 (2 NEC, 1 Christie)
3 (Xpand)

Cine Greth - Überlingen

Yes, indeed, the cinema is right there, as indicated by the arrow: on the top floor of the Greth, a corn warehouse dating back to the XIV century and refurbished during the XVIII, located in Ueberlingen, on the north bank of Lake Constance, overlooking the landing stage, yesterday as today.

Opening a second cinema in a village with only 21,000 inhabitants is part of an ambitious initiative launched in 1998 and aiming to restore the Greth's central role in the life of this historical little lake town, which today is a popular venue for tourists, especially in the summer.

And the initiative has been fully successful: no-one arriving in this ancient village would ever imagine that up until a few years previously the Greth had been virtually in ruins, barely adequate for housing the ticket office serving the ferries that sail the lake.
Today the building is full of life at all hours (including Good Friday when - according to German tradition - practically all the shops are shut), thanks to the combination of different activities hosted there.
Alongside books and newspapers, which share the counter with fruit and vegetables, is a delicatessen and wine shop selling local wines - with its view of the lake outside - not to mention a busy bar/restaurant/pizzeria which has adopted the philosophy of the connoisseur: "life is too short to drink mediocre wines" is the saying displayed above the bar.
And for those who are not content with a pizza, on the floor above, together with some of those household gadgets that are so superfluous that no-one can do without them, a real - again Italian - restaurant is to be found where the eye travels over a magnificent view of the lake to the remains of Renaissance frescoes.

One more floor and you come to the cinema.

In the large foyer, the ancient wooden pillars and overhead beams create an unusual atmosphere, so that even though the services on offer, such as the live screening of sport on the bar TV, are fully contemporary, the visitor has the impression of having travelled backwards in time.

Past and present return in the three theatres: digital technology and, once again, ancient wooden beams.

Nicole Lailach who manages the Greth with her husband (born into the profession, seeing that his parents are the managers of the Kammer/Tivoli cinema), is enthusiastic about digital: "Programming has become extremely simple from a technical point of view and, in addition, we can screen many more titles at the same time as towns far bigger than Ueberlingen." Whether because of the variety of its programming or because of its truly unique architecture, the Cine Greth has become a landmark both for the local community ("I know all my customers from Ueberlingen personally," continues Nicole Lailach) and for the holidaymakers who flock the medieval township in summer.
Kammer/Tivoli and Cine Greth: 5 screens for 21,000 inhabitants. Oh, yes, it's possible.

(Per leggere il testo in italiano cliccare qui)

Cine Greth will be visited during DigiTraining Plus 2014

Eveline Ferwerda
MACCS International (NL)

From Digital Transition to Business Transformation

In 2009 I launched my career in the cinema business by writing a thesis about the impact of the transition towards Digital Cinema. To gather the information I needed I interviewed industry stakeholders and was immediately mesmerized by 'the Digital Promise'.  Once digitalization was a fact it would make operations cheaper, it would be easier to handle and it would open a gateway to endless variety of content. Once digital everyone would benefit and thrive from its power. 

The promise sounded so good that I decided I had to help make it a reality and from that moment on I've been a woman with a mission: digitize and harvest.

Luckily the objectives were already clear when I started my assignment: achieve a 100% digital landscape for the Dutch cinema industry. We set up a project group, lined-up all the stakeholders, drafted the project plan, which translated into a business plan and finally resulted in a successful and complete digital roll-out in only 14 months. By September 2012 Cinema Digitaal brought Dutch cinemas within close reach of the digital heaven, at least I thought it did. Once the technical part was finished I thought the benefits of digital could be harvested immediately. But this was obviously not the case. We hadn't finished yet, instead we had only completed the first part of the journey from analog to digital. It was then time for phase two: influencing strategy and changing processes to embed the digital mind-set.

And with this next phase came my new job: business development. Early this year I joined the team at MACCS International to coordinate the roll-out of their DCinemaHub. MACCS Int. - a software development firm specialized in ERP solutions for the film distribution industry - is currently being used by over a 100 distributors, major and independent compagnies in 37 countries and this number is rapidly increasing as the company expands. It's estimated that over 50% of all bookings for cinemas worldwide are made on the MACCS Int. software platform.

In the fast moving world of digital cinema MACCS Int. focused on building the right tools to support the changing needs of the industry and help it align better with the newly adopted digital cinema workflow.

MACCS Int. listens closely to their customers during the transition to digital cinema. Customers often stressed that the KDM Management process in particular consumes a lot of valuable time giving both exhibitors and distributors lots of headaches. I even overheard someone calling it "the KDM inferno". The industry signaled the need for a proper solution that would support this new process and automate as many steps as possible in order to make it both effective and efficient.

MACCS Int. has responded by developing a new solution that does just that: the "DCinemaHub". As an extension to any theatrical distribution software solution it fully automates the ordering and delivery of digital content. From one interface, DCP and KDM bookings are translated into orders and forwarded to any lab, depot or delivery partner of choice, to be processed. Digital labs like Technicolor receive the orders directly in their system and once processed report back their status to the DCinemaHub. The distributor that has made the booking can keep track of the logistical operation behind his desk. In the near future we shall be able to report if an issued KDM is delivered and working on screen level by connecting with the TMS in the Cinema. The simple, color-coded dashboard in DCinemaHub will show if there is something to worry about at a glance bringing ease of mind to all stakeholders.

DCinemaHub is now Live in 5 countries (Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Switzerland) and soon Denmark, Sweden, Australia, Canada, Turkey and the UK will join. Onboarding all MACCS Int. territories will be my main objective for the next two years. A challenge I cannot not pass up.

Please join our online questionnaire at
Your data will contribute to MEDIA Salles "International Database of Digital Cinemas"
After registering with an individual password for his/her protection,
each exhibitor will be able to enter the data regarding his/her own cinemas.
The questionnaire is designed to make the compilation extremely quick and error-proof.
The data registered can only be consulted by MEDIA Salles for statistical use and each company will be able to view ad edit its own data.

MEDIA Salles' contacts and address

MEDIA Salles
Piazza Luigi di Savoia, 24 - 20124 Milano - Italy
Tel.: +39.02.6739781 - Fax: +39.02.6690410
