Reg. Trib. Milano n. 418 del 02.07.2007
Direttore responsabile: Elisabetta Brunella

  International Edition No. 103 - year 9 - 10 February 2014

Special issue on the occasion of the 64. Berlin Film Festival


Cinema-going in Europe: -1.8% in 2013 but some markets are growing

MEDIA Salles data at the Berlinale

In movie theatres situated in the 35 countries reported by MEDIA Salles, from Iceland to Russia, from Portugal to Turkey, spectators in 2013 came to 1,158.5 million, with a 1.8% drop compared to the 1,179.8 million in 2012.
This decrease does not mean that the situation is the same everywhere since, whilst the 19 countries in Western Europe - decreasing from 881.7 million in 2012 to 840.8 in 2013 - record a higher drop than the average for the Continent, (-4.6%), the 16 in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean Rim close the year with a 6.6% increase in admissions and a total of 317.7 million tickets sold, compared to the 298.1 in 2012.

The lack of homogeneity in these results also emerges within the two macro-regions.

Western Europe
In Western Europe which, for the second consecutive year, records a drop in audiences, there is a prevalence of territories with a negative trend - though this varies in extent from country to country.
Amongst them are large markets like the United Kingdom (-4%), Germany, where - after a flattering 2012 - a dip of 4.5% has been estimated, France which, losing 5.3% of spectators, comes to a halt just under the 200-million threshold and Spain where another decidedly negative result (-15%) adds to a series of decreases and closes 2013 with around 80 million spectators, setting it back to the same figures as the early years of the 'Nineties.
According to Spanish players, the increase in VAT from 8% to 21% in mid-2012 has played a major role in determining this decrease.

Considerable drops in audiences have also been recorded in Greece (-12%), in Austria (-10.6%), in Sweden (-9.7%) and in Portugal (-9.4%).
Slighter decreases can be seen on markets such as Switzerland, where the estimates suggest 8%, Finland, which after a record 2012 loses 6.9%, Ireland (-5%), Iceland (-5.3%) and Luxemburg (-3.9%).
Norway manages to keep the dip down to 2.7% thanks partly to the excellent results obtained by domestic movies (+24% compared to 2012).
Denmark remains basically stable (-0.2%), whilst Belgium and the Netherlands see slight increases (respectively +0.5% and +0.8%).
A market that has moved decidedly against the trend is Italy, recording growth estimated at around 6%, bringing it up to more than 100 million tickets sold.

Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean Rim
If, in Western Europe, there is a prevalence of countries with a negative trend, in Central and Eastern Europe and on the Mediterranean Rim the number of those exhibiting a minus sign is equal to those with a plus.
Amongst the former are Cyprus (-20%), probably due to a more general economic crisis, Slovenia (-16.1%), Serbia (-9.3%), Malta, which records its third consecutive drop, estimated at 7% in 2013, Poland (-5.6%), Croatia, which, after a record year, moves back 3.5%. The Czech Republic and Estonia limit their decreases to a hiccup of -1%.
On the side of the increases come Hungary, with a growth rate estimated at 2%, Latvia (+3.9%), Slovakia (+4.8%), Lithuania (+6.8%) and Bulgaria which, growing by 16.7%, approaches the 5-million-spectator mark, further improving on its excellent 2011 result.
Separate comment is reserved for Romania, Turkey and Russia, which continue with a series of positive results lasting over several years.
Romania grows by 13.8%, recording its eighth consecutive increase, bringing it from the 2.8 million tickets sold in 2006 to the 9.5 in 2013.
With a 14.7% rise, Turkey crosses the 50-million-spectator threshold (there were around 30 million in 2007), whilst Russia, adding 14 million to its 2012 result, overtakes the United Kingdom and becomes the second European market in terms of admissions.

(Per leggere il testo in italiano cliccare qui)

The new DiGiTalk
presented at the Berlinale

Western Europe - Admissions (x 1 000) (1989-2013)

© copyright MEDIA Salles

1) Il dato del 2011 si riferisce a 52 settimane dal 30/12/2010 al 29/12/2011 per i seguenti Paesi: Grecia, Paesi Bassi, Regno Unito, Svezia, Svizzera e Lichtestein.
The 2011 figure refers to 52 weeks from 30/12/2010 to 29/12/2011 for the following countries: Greece, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland and Lichtenstein.

2) Inclusi i cinema municipali.
Including municipal cinemas.

3) Solo Repubblica Federale di Germania.
Old BRD only.

4) Idem.

5) Questo dato si riferisce a 53 settimane di programmazione.
This figure refers to 53 screening weeks.

6) Idem

.7) Questo dato si riferisce ad un periodo di soli 9 mesi: settembre 1994 - maggio 1995.
This figure only concerns a period of nine months: September 1994 - May 1995.

8) Relative agli schermi operanti per più di 60 giorni l'anno. Le presenze relative al totale degli schermi (esclusi arene e ambulanti) erano 96 448 505 nel 1996; 102 566 523 nel 1997; 118 425 865 nel 1998; 103 483 150 nel 1999; 103 367 832 nel 2000; 109 535 939 nel 2001; 114 805 678 nel 2002; 109 312 788 nel 2003; 115 845 480 nel 2004; 104 689 099 nel 2005; 103 931 247 nel 2006; 115 467 872 nel 2007; 109 857 051 nel 2008; 108 263 184 nel 2009; 120 192 276 nel 2010; 112 119 910 nel 2011; 99 412 919 nel 2012.
Relevant to screens with more than 60 days of activity per year. The total admissions relevant to all screens (not including arenas and travelling screens) were 96 448 505 in 1996; 102 566 523 in 1997; 118 425 865 in 1998; 103 483 150 in 1999; 103 367 832 in 2000; 109 535 939 in 2001; 114 805 678 in 2002; 109 312 788 in 2003; 115 845 480 in 2004; 104 689 099 in 2005; 103 931 247 in 2006; 115 467 872 in 2007; 109 857 051 in 2008; 108 263 184 in 2009; 120 192 276 in 2010; 112 119 910 in 2011; 99 412 919 in 2012.

9) 1996-2010: fonte Hagstofa Íslands; 2011-2013: fonte SMAIS-The Association of film rights-holder in Iceland.
1996-2010: source Hagstofa Íslands; 2011-2013: source SMAIS-The Association of film rights-holder in Iceland.

10) Dati parziali.
Partial data.

11) Idem.

12) Questo dato si riferisce a 53 settimane di programmazione.
This figure refers to 53 screening weeks.

13) Idem.

14) Queste cifre non includono i dati relativi ad alcuni piccoli distributori. Nel 2003 le presenze complessive sono circa 25 000 000.
These figures do not include data on some small distributors. In 2003 total admissions were around 25 000 000.

15) Questo dato si riferisce a 53 settimane di programmazione.
This figure refers to 53 screening weeks.

16) 2001 - 2003 INE
2004 - 2012 ICA

17) Le presenze secondo INE, comprendente anche le sale polivalenti, sono 18 880 000.
Admissions according to INE, which include polyvalent theatres, are 18 880 000.

18) Le presenze secondo INE, comprendente anche le sale polivalenti, sono 17 165 000.
Admissions according to INE, which include polyvalent theatres, are 17 165 000.

19) I dati riguardanti Austria, Finlandia e Svezia sono inclusi dal 1989.
Data on Austria, Finland and Sweden have been included since 1989.

Central and Eastern Europe and Mediterranean Rim - Admissions (x 1 000) (1994-2013)

© copyright MEDIA Salles

1) Il dato del 2011 si riferisce a 52 settimane dal 30/12/2010 al 29/12/2011per Polonia e Romania.
The 2011 figure refers to 52 weeks from 30/12/2010 to 29/12/2011 for Poland and Romania.
2) 2010-2011: fonte National Statistics Office di Malta. La serie storica potrebbe contenere discontinuità tra i dati successivi il 2010 e quelli precedenti.
2010-2011: source National Statistics Office of Malta. The series over time may show some discontinuity between data before 2010 and data thereafter.
3) Film usciti nell'anno. La serie storica presenta disomogeneità in quanto i dati si riferiscono dal 1994 al 2002 alla Iugoslavia, dal 2003 al 2006 a Serbia e Montenegro e dal 2007 in poi alla sola Serbia.
New releases. The figures over time show some discrepancies as they refer to Yugoslavia from 1994 to 2002, to Serbia and Montenegro from 2003 to 2006, and to Serbia alone from 2007 onwards.

4) Dato riferito al mercato CIS esclusa l'Ucraina stimato come percentuale del mercato CIS complessivo: il 95,6% del mercato nel 2008; il 95,2% nel 2009 e il 95,9% nel 2010, il 94,7% nel 2011 e 91,4% nel 2012. Il periodo di rilevazione riguarda 52 settimane dal novembre di un anno al novembre dell'anno successivo. 2011-2013: anno solare.
Figure refers to the CSI market, not including Ukraine estimated as a percentage of the overall CIS market: 95,6% of the market in 2008; 95,2% in 2009; 95,9% in 2010; 94,7% in 2011 and 91,4% in 2012. The period over which data was collected regarded 52 weeks from November one year to November the next. 2011-2013: calendar year.

5) Dal 2011 fonte Antrakt Sinema Gazetesi che rileva i dati su base settimanale.
From 2011 onwards the source is Antrakt Sinema Gazetesi, which collects data on a weekly basis.

MEDIA Salles' contacts and address

MEDIA Salles
Piazza Luigi di Savoia, 24 - 20124 Milano - Italy
Tel.: +39.02.6739781 - Fax: +39.02.6690410
