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An initiative
of the EU MEDIA Programme with the support of the Italian Government
![]() Since 1992 MEDIA Salles has been promoting the European cinema and its circulation at theatrical level |
MEDIA Salles at Cinema Expo International 2005, Amsterdam (NL), 27- 30 June |
29 June 2005
In Amsterdam yesterday hearty applause
welcomed Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, fresh from the
success of their second Golden Palm with L’Enfant, as they received
the “International Directors of the Year” award before a
public of exhibitors and professional players from all over Europe.
The prize was awarded during “A Salute to European Film”
by Laura Fumagalli, Marketing Manager of Aracadia Cinemas
in Melzo (Milan, Italy) and co-ordinator of the MEDIA Salles’
Work Group on Digital Cinema. “It is thanks to directors of this
calibre – said Fumagalli – that European film-making can
still claim its independence, showing that it is capable of winning
audiences by means of courageous choices that make quality their main
focus”. As well as some sequences from the films that have made
them famous (La Promesse, The Son, Rosetta), three
brief clips from the Golden Palm winner, L’Enfant,
in a pre-screening anticipating its next releases, planned for September
in Belgium and Russia, October in France and November in The Netherlands.
“The real strength of European cinema – confirmed the Dardenne
Brothers –lies in its diversity. Authentic and not invented diversity,
authentic as European diversity itself”. Focus on Europe by MEDIA
Salles will continue this evening (9.45 pm, RAI Auditorium) with the
European Film of the Year on the Big Screen: Merry Christmas
by Christian Carion. The screening will be preceded by some trailers
of significant recent European productions. Cinema Expo International is the traditional meeting for European exhibitors, which brings together over 1,200 professional operators from all countries. The event includes seminars on different aspects of the cinema industry and the presentation of films about to be released. The programme of Cinema Expo International includes an exhibition of equipment and services for cinemas, from theatre design to the most technologically advanced products. The MEDIA Salles project
operates within the framework of the European Union's MEDIA
Programme, with the support of the Italian Government.
MEDIA Salles