Focus on Europe 2005 Honorees
Elda Ferri
"European Producer of the Year"
MEDIA Salles' Award
Jean-Pierre and Luc
"International Directors of the Year"
Cinema Expo Award, in collaboration with MEDIA Salles
Bruno Ganz
"International Star Award"
Cinema Expo Award, in collaboration with MEDIA Salles
Congratulations for their important contribution to
the international reputation
and success of European film-making from:
MEDIA Salles
Viviane Reding,
Member of the European Commission,
Responsible for the Information Society and Media
Ruth Hieronymi,
President of the Audiovisual Policy Intergroup
of the European Parliament
Rocco Buttiglione,
Italian Minister for Cultural Resources and Affairs
Gaetano Blandini,
Director General for the Cinema,
Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage
Claudia Landsberger,
President of European Film Promotion
Ad J. Weststrate,
President of Unic
John Fithian,
President of Nato
(National Association of Theatre Owners, USA)
Pierre Todeschini,
President of Cicae
Adriana Chiesa Di Palma,
Chief Executive Officer of AIP-Filmitalia
Jacek Fuksiewicz,
Director of Film and Audiovisual Media Department
of the Polish Ministry of Culture
Mike Vickers,
Treasurer of MEDIA Salles,
Director of RAAM Management Limited,
Managing Director of Reeltime Cinemas
Laura Fumagalli,
Marketing Manager of Arcadia Cinemas, Melzo (Milan)
and co-ordinator of the MEDIA Salles’ Work
Group on Digital Cinema
Ugo Baistrocchi,
Responsible for Distribution and Exhibition Services,
Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage
Gerard Bunnik,
Art-house Consultant of the Dutch Filmfund,
Member of the Board of the Dutch exhibitors’ association (NVB),
Vice President of The Netherlands Foundation for Film Research
Enrico Di Mambro,
Advisor of Anec, Rome
Giovanni Lupo,
President of Anec Sicilia (I)
Nico Simon,
Chief Executive Officer of Utopia
(Luxemburg, Belgium, The Netherlands, France)
Silvio Borri,
Director of Programmes for Digital Cinema of Elsacom (I)
Ilona Kozma,
Head of Distribution of Budapest Film
David Horácek,
General Manager Operations of Palace Cinemas
Csaba Pressing,
Chief Exhibitons Executive of InterCom (HU)
Brian O'Gorman,
Director of Ormonde Cinemas in Ireland
Cristina Loglio,
Centocittà, Rome
Caroline Jeanneau,
Deputy Director, Research and Statistic Unit of CNC (F)
Roxana Dodu,
Director of Logistic Department of the National Film Centre of Romania
Andris Rozenbergs,
Deputy Director of the National Film Centre of Latvia
GFT and the Glasgow Film Festival
Glasgow (UK)
Lennart Ström,
Director of “BUFF – International Children’s and Young
People’s Film Festival” (S)
Giancarlo Zappoli,
Director of the Montecatini International Short Film Festival (I)
Giuseppe Tornatore,
Woody Woody Association (I)
Gremi D’Empresaris
de Cinemes de Catalunya,
Barcelona (E)
Paolo Palladino,
Cinema Palladino,
San Giovanni Rotondo – Foggia (I)
Angelo Acquaviva and Maria Latela,
Sala Margherita, Putignano (I)
Daniela Serafini,
Cineteatro Don Bosco, Lecce (I)
Nunzio Chiericozzi,
Cinema Falso Movimento, Foggia (I)
Montserrat Guiu March,
Cinemes Guiu, La Seu d’Urgell (E)
Manuela Boscarato,
Marketing Manager of Globalmedia (I)
Felice Ambrosino,
CineNotes (I)
Giovanna Arrighi,
Journalist (I)
Marina Cociancich,
Terlingen Family, Utrecht (NL)
Ralph Palka,
Entertainment Media – Blickpunkt Film (I)
Roy Snehangshu,
Managing Partner of Ribs Kereskedelmi (HU)
Les Brock,
Principal Engineer of SDDS Systems,
Sony Cinema Products Europe
Dario Formisano,
Elleu Multimedia (I)
Terry Nelson,
Studio Equipment (CH)