Beyond the Centenary
Project organized by ANEC, Italian Cinema Exhibitors'
Association, with the support of the Entertainment Department of the Presidency
of the Council of Ministers
A.N.E.C. - Via di Villa Patrizi, 10 - 00161 Roma
Tel. 06 - - Fax 06 44.04.255
Attention is focused on FILM, CINEMA THEATRES, CINEMA-GOERS.
Following these lines "Beyond the Centenary" proposes:
"100 evenings in 100 cinema theatres" - November-
December 1995
In 100 cinema theatres, at a reduced ticket price, classical italian films
restored with the collaboration of the Cineteca Nazionale will be screened:
"Carosello napoletano" of Ettore Giannini (1953)
"Senso" of Luchino Visconti (1954)
"Divorzio all'italiana" of Pietro Germi (1961)
"Salvatore Giuliano" of Francesco Rosi (1961)
Conference: "Cinema:
yesterday, today, tomorrow" - Rome, 5-6-7 December 1995
Three working days devoted to:
an historical and cultural recall (yesterday)
specific researches on the cinema exhibition sector and the distribution
developments (today)
the technological evolutions perspectives (tomorrow)
"Ciak: si vince" - December 1995
28 December celebration with and for cinema-goers: 50.000 cinema tickets
will be distributed in cinema theatres through the "strappa e vinci" ("tear
and win") competition.
Publication of "100 years of cinema in the cinema"
of Mario Calzini - November 1995
The historical, architectural, technological evolution of cinema theatres.
Film Lumière - 28 December 1995
Screening of ten short films screened by Frères Lumière at
Boulevard des Capucines in Paris on 28 December 1895.
MEDIA Salles