MEDIA Salles started in 2019 publishing the European Cinema Charts, cartograms and inter-active maps which make it possible to compare indicators internationally, whilst facilitating a view of the relations between different phenomena, as well as making the data more immediately readable.

MEDIA Salles ha iniziato a pubblicare nel 2019 "The European Cinema Charts", cartogrammi e mappe interattive che, oltre a dare più immediatezza alla lettura dei dati, permettono il confronto degli indicatori nel contesto internazionale e facilitano la percezione della relazione tra fenomeni diversi.


Cinema-going in Europe – Key figures

How many spectators are missing to reach 2019?
> 2023 <            > 2024 <

Admissions of domestic films (including co-productions) in Europe and their
percentage out of total admissions

> 2019 <<             > 2020 <            > 2021 < 
Digital screens and their penetration rate as at 1st January 2020
Admissions in Europe in 2019
Frequency per capita in Europe in 2019
Frequency per capita and top films 2018 in Europe
Main cinema chains in Europe

Italian cinemas and Italian films abroad

Top Italian film by admissions in 2023 (including co-productions)
The top three Italian films (including co-productions) by admissions in Europe 
   >  2020 <            > 2022 <             > 2023 <
Cinemas in Italy's most popular holiday locations

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