ITALY: Regional Support for Digitalization *
With a rate of digital penetration equal to 60% (at 30 June 2013), Italy remains well below the European average.
Financial support for theatres that have not yet been able to undertake digital conversion therefore becomes a more and more decisive factor.
Regional commitment continues to make its contribution, thanks also to the use of ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) funding.

At the beginning of July Lazio approved a call for applications - an allocation of 3 million euros - to "facilitate innovative investments in plant, systems and equipment for digital cinema projection".
As well as the purchase of projection equipment compatible with DCI standards, eligible costs also include expenditure on modifying the space where it is to be installed.
The call for applications, which can be answered up to 31 December 2013, foresees non-repayable financing for up to 70% of the eligible costs actually sustained, with the establishment of a cap to comply with the "de minimis" rule.

On 31 October the Region of Lombardy approved a measure that will allocate 3 million euros for "the restructuring and technological adaptation of movie theatres and the installation of digital equipment".
The total financial resources will be divided into three parts: 1.5 million is destined for the restructuring, adaptation and security of premises; 1.3 million will contribute to the purchasing and installation of digital projection equipment and, lastly, 200,000 euros will be devolved to projection equipment for arenas and open-air cinemas.
The date forecast for the publication of the call for applications is 15 December 2013.

* The present text updates the articles published in DGT online informer nos. 91, 89, 88, 82
