Support from the Regions for Digitalisation*
The Regional Authorities of Campania have announced that a sum of 2 million euros has been allocated to support small and medium-sized businesses in the field of the cinema.
The resourceshave come from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF 2007-2013) with the aim of guaranteeing competition, pluralism, cultural and linguistic diversity, in an attempt to protect the country's smaller cinemas from closing, now that the switch-off point for 35 mm is drawing closer.
The maximum contribution foreseen by this measure amounts to 100,000 euros and is directed at traditional cinemas (1 to 4 screens).

The Region of Lombardy has launched a new call for applications, based on a financial endowment of 1.5 million euros for the technological upgrading of cinemas and the purchase of equipment for digital projection, including the accessories needed for its installation.Financing can be claimed for a single projector per screen and support cannot exceed 70% of the total expenditure, up to a maximum of 70,000 euros.
The deadline for presenting the application is 19 November 2012.

Emilia Romagna
On 29 October the call for applications regarding digitalization of cinemas in Emilia Romagna was approved. The call had been announced during the summer and is covered by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF 2007-2013).
Expenditure for the purchase of projectors conforming to DCI standards, but also the purchase of equipment for the reception of digital cable and/or satellite signals is considered eligible, as well as expenditure for the adaptation of equipment installed in the projection rooms. Costs for the purchase of 3D technology are, instead, excluded from the support.
The amount of Regional financing will vary according to the type of cinema: it will cover 50% of expenditure in the case of projects that foresee exclusively the digitalization of one or more single-screen cinemas, 40% for the digitalization of multi-screen complexes with 2 to 4 screens, 25% for multi-screen cinemas with over 4 screens and for multiplexes. In no case can the support exceed a sum of 75,000 euros per project, or a maximum of 200,000 euros for the same company.
Applications for financing may be presented from 1 December 2012 to 18 January 2013.

* This text is an update of the article published in the DGT online informer no. 82


